Chapter Eleven

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Sophie POV:

She entered the hall and instantly flicked a goblin throwing star with perfect technique at Mr. Forkle, but he dodged and the star hit the wall with pinpoint accuracy of where his arm used to be. Mr. Forkle looked surprised beyond words.

"Sophie, drop the act. We're on your side." Blur condescendingly said to her, like he was talking to a toddler.

"What act? What do you expect me to do? I got my memories back. I saw the Black Swan kidnap me and experiment on me. You treated me as an experiment, not a living, breathing, person. I'm done with you and with anyone involved with you. I'm never coming back. The Neverseen is where I belong. You're not on my side. I bet you knew this and you all are trying to experiment on me again. Get away from me! " Sophie snarled as Keefe reached for her shoulder to comfort her.

"Sophie, what are you talking about?" Keefe answered with concern. She noticed he didn't call her Foster, sending a pang of guilt through her. Keefe was always teasing her and now he looks and sounds too serious. This wasn't the Keefe she knew. The Keefe she knew had shown how much he liked her, and could always cheer her up. But she wasn't the shy, clumsy Foster from the past either. She was bold, someone who knew her past and knew where she came from, someone who knew what she stood for, and she knew all that after joining the Neverseen.

"I-I... I'm sorry Keefe," She whispered.

"I know it looks like I betrayed you, but you don't know the truth. It's so much more complicated than this. I'm sorry." She whispered again after seeing his hurt reaction. She flung a goblin throwing star at Mr. Forkle's arm again. It pierced through his flesh. He winced and fell to the floor in pain. The crowd separated around the edges of the room and gave way to Blur as he ran over to Mr. Forkle. Sophie felt guilty for throwing a star at Mr. Forkle. She wondered if her mind would break because of this, elves' minds were too fragile to kill people or hurt people, but she wondered if that doesn't apply to her since she is an Exsule and not an elf. Shoving the thoughts out of her mind, she cleared her mind and focused on the task at hand. Throwing another star at Blur, she gathered the nearest shadows and cloaked them over herself. As she melted into the background, Keefe stepped back, startled as Sophie vanished from sight. She quickly left the room to recollect her thoughts while the Neverseen was holding the fort up and fighting the Black Swan. The idea of fighting her friends felt too wrong. The thought of her switching sides when they had almost died for her disgusted her. Her breakfast - some of Alvar's pink stew that tastes like donuts - was slowly crawling up her throat. As she put herself in her friends' shoes, she thought about how all of a sudden she got kidnapped one day, and the only other time they met after that was today, when she was fighting them. She realized it looked like she was betraying them, even though she thought it looked the other way around.

(Sorry for the short chapter guys, I'll definitely post more over summer. Also tysm for 150+ reads!!)

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