Marcy X Half!Dragon!Reader

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A little treat for you all, bc you've been so patient :)

Dragapult865 I'm sorry I've kept you waiting this long 😭

I think my writing has probably improved since you last saw me, but take a look for yourself

The familiar soft rays of sunlight peeked through the blinds of blinds in the hotel room.

Currently, you were staying in Newtopia. You had found Marcy there, which you had to admit, you were pretty ecstatic about.

Your room was connected to the room the rest of the family shared. You insisted on privacy. Why you might ask? You had a secret that you were keeping from everyone.

No one knew. Not the Planters, Not Sasha, not Anne, not Marcy. Not even your family back home knew, unless there was something they weren't telling you. Truth be told, you never really trusted your family. Something always felt off when you were around them.

You were tired. Tired of hiding, tired of waiting, tired of life in general. You felt like you didn't even know yourself sometimes. But one thought always seemed to implant itself into your mind.

You were destined to be something great.

You did a sigh as you tugged losely on the string, opening the blinds and staring directly into the blaring sunlight.

It didn't affect you.

You could feel the monster inside tugging at your gut, begging to be let loose.

Finally, you took a deep breath and allowed the dragon out.

Horns grew on your head, dishevelling your already messy h/c hair.

Your nails grew into claws, digging into the wooden windowsill where your hands sat.

Wings sprouted from your back. You flapped them around for a second. You did miss the freedom of flying.

And lastly, a tail hung limp from your waist. That is, until you moved it.

Your clothes were weird--the dragon features seemed to do no damage to them at all, almost like it passed right through them.

Suddenly, knocking came from your door. You managed to retract your dragon features before Anne burst into the room

"Y/n! I've been calling your name for the past two minutes!"

"Good morning to you too, Anne," You picked up a glass of water from the previous night off your nightstand and took a small sip, before placing it down again and asking "What do you need?"

Anne rolled her eyes in a playful manner. "Marcy's taking us out to defeat that monster thing in the woods today, remember?"

You narrowed your eyes at her, before they became your mouth shifted into an 'oh' and your eyes widened. "That! Oh yeah I completely forgot."

"Y/n!" You could hear Anne's disappointed voice.

"I can get ready in five."

"Five minutes, no more."

Anne exited the room, slamming your door so hard that you could see the hinges struggle to stay in place.

You changed into proper clothes, did everything else you needed to do and headed into the main room.

"Four and a half minutes, guess I underestimated you," Anne said with a smirk.

"Let's just get moving," You groaned the words out. This was gonna be a looong day.

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