Chapter 3

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When we got home, I started up my computer, and logged onto my account on my fan fictions' home. I had 20+ notifications, all comments from my loyal readers. Some saying that it was so good, that they almost cried knowing that it was over. Others praised my writing, and told me how well everything came together. All of the comments were positive, none negative. I liked that about this website, no on judged anyone else, and everyone was excepting.
I decided to update my status so everyone knew that I had seen their words of gratitude.

Thank you to everyone who has read my fanfic. I love all of you dearly.
You are the most loyal, positive, supportive fans ever. So thank you
so much for your ideas, and support while I was writing this. I am very grateful.

I published the status, and soon enough the likes, and comments blew up. I smiled at all the support that this whole thing had, and opened up a document, starting to plan out a sequel. My phone chimmed on my desk next to my arm. I checked to see who it was. It was Tanner.

Hey El :)

What's up?

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me, and Danny at the park.

Sure, sounds fun.

Okay, me, and Danny are going to walk to your house.


See you in 10 min


I saved the document, and turned off my computer. I grabbed the backpack that I used whenever going somewhere, and put a note book, and pen inside, along with my head phones, and iPod. I put my shoes back on, and went downstairs.
"Hey mom," I said, entering the kitchen.
"Hey honey."
I opened the refrigerator, and took out a bottle of water, " I'm going to the park with Tanner, and Danny."
" Okay, sweetie. Just take out the trash before you leave."
"That's starting today?" I question, putting the water bottle in my bag.
" If you want to make enough money..."
"Ugh, okay."
I put my bag down on the table, and took the lid off of the trash can.
"It smells so bad," I complained.
"It's trash, it's not supposed to smell like roses."
I took the trash bag out of the can, and tied it shut, going to the back door, and over to the dumpster, throwing it in. I came back inside, trying not to touch anything wit my hands.
"I feel contaminated."
I washed my hands in the sink, repeating it at least four times before feeling clean again.
The door bell rang, and I grabbed my bag, kissing mom on the cheek, and went to the door.
" Don't be out too late," Mom called after me.
I opened the door to see Danny, and Tanner, smiling.
"Hey, Elena," Danny said, hugging me.
"Hey, Danny."
Danny let go, and Tanner hugged me.
"Shall we go?" Tanner asked.
"We shall."
I closed the door behind me, and we started to walk in the direction on the park.
"So, how have you guys been?" I asked.
" I've been good. Not up to much," Tanner said.
"Same here, "Danny agreed," What about you?"
"Well, I finally finished the fanfic I was working on," I tell them.
"Cool, I bet it came out awesome," Tanner said.
"I think it did. I just wish that Luke would-"
Danny sighed loudly.
"What?" I asked.

"It's a fanfic. No one reads fanfics about themselves. It's just weird," Danny said.
"Well, I think that Luke would like this one."
"You've said that about every fan fiction that you've wrote about him," Tanner said.
"You guys are supposed to back me up on this," I said defensively.
" We just think- I just think that this thing is getting a bit obsessive," Danny says.
"We're just looking out for you."

Okay, one, why the hell did Danny just fix a 'we' into an 'I'? Are they dating or something? Oh god. And two, they're my friends, they're supposed to support me, and help me out to achieve my goals.

"Okay, whatever," I say," Let's just go on the swings."
The three of us entered the park, and ran over to the swings, snagging the three directly in the center. I kicked off the ground, and started to pump my legs, shifting my weight back, and forth with my motion. Danny, and Tanner did the same. There were only a few other people in the park moms with their kids, and teens not knowing what to do, like Danny, Tanner, and myself.
" You know, El, I think that you should branch out with your writing," Danny said, " I know you have the potential to be a really awesome author."
" Yeah," Tanner added," You could ,like, write about magical worlds with dragons, and mermaids. It would be so cool."
" Eh," I said," I don't know about that."
"Or, you could write something that's like a teen romance, like the fanfics, but you know, not one," Danny suggests.
" I don't get why people want me to branch out with my writing. I'm comfortable with what I know, and what I know is fan fiction," I say, coming to a stop on my swing, Danny, and Tanner doing the same.
"We just know that you could write something other than fan fiction," Tanner says.
"Yeah, we know you love writing, and we think that becoming an author, or something would be a good choice for you. but you've got to get out of the habit of writing fan fiction. You write it because that's what you want to happen. You want to meet Luke, we know that, but it's going to be a one time thing. You'll be lucky if he follows you on Twitter," Danny admits.
"I don't write it because I want it to happen. I fucking know it won't. But can't I dream?" I say.
"Okay," Tanner sighs

We stayed at the park until it started to get dark, which was around 6ish. I invited Danny, and Tanner to come to my house for dinner, but they declined, saying they needed to get home.
"Mom, I home," I called when I entered the front hall.
" Okay, honey," Mom called back. She was in the kitchen.
I took off my shoes, and put my bag on the floor by the door, and walked to the kitchen. Mom was at the stove, cooking chicken in a pan.
" Smells good," I tell her, getting a cup from the cabinet, and going over to the fridge to get some juice.
"It'll be done in about ten minutes."
After dinner, I went back in my room, turning off my laptop, and logging into my account. I had a ton of comments, so I scrolled through them.

You should write a sequel!

A sequel to this would be so rad.

Elena, oh my god. This was so awesome! Please write a sequel.

'' I decided to update my status.

Hey guys! So I see that you all want a sequel. I'm planning on writing one while
I'm on summer vacation. I'm going to be sticking to my Wednesday uploads.
If you have any suggestions that you want to see in the next fanfic,
just leave me a comment.
- Elena

I planned out the sequel a little more, writing down some suggestions that I though would be cool, and went to bed.


Hey guys I'm sorry we didn't post on Friday like we always do but we were having some tech problems. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to show u guys chapter 4!! Luv u all xx bye guys!

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