Chapter 13

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As I walked into the kitchen where my parents were, my mom immediatly started to yell at me for being late.
"I knew that I souldn't have let you stay with that boy last night," Mom went on.
"Mom, it was my fault, I overslept."
"Yeah, okay. You're not allowed to leave this house for the next month, and escpeacially hanging out with that boy."
"His name is Luke."
"I don't care. You're not hanging out with him. I knew that this whole thing was nothing good. Go to your room."
I sighed, and walked upstairs, logging onto my Twitter, and sadly looking through people's tweets. I tried texting Tanner, and Danny, but neither of them replied. So I started to write, this time, it wasn't a fan fic. I took the emotions I was feeling, and started to just write, letting words flow through my finger tips.

It was late, my heart ached inside of my chest, my love for him was cut too short, our connection severed. I cried into my pillow as I thought to myself, thinking of his strong arms around me, and longing for his presence. My nightmere was just begining, our love was forbidden, our parents thought we were bad influences on each other. But that was the opposite of what was true, our love made us both strong, and empowered, it made us see who we are, helped us find ourselves.

Since I was grounded, I couldn't do anything outside of the house, so I found myself staring at my ceiling, and walls alot. They were a plain boring white. Even with the posters I had on my walls, they were still bland. I looked around my room to see what I could do. I went over to my closet, and opened it. I never really used it for much more than storing junk. I took out all of the boxes I had stacked up in there when we first moved into this house, and sat down on the floor.
Most of the things were stuff my parents had given me. Like old posters, and CDs, and things that they had when they were my age.
I went through one box, and took out a bunch of CDs that were no good to keep, crappy music that no one likes anymore, and discs that were damaged beyond repair. I laid them out in front of me, thinking of what I could do with them. I looked at my walls, at all of the posters I've had collected over the years. Most of them displayed bands I didn't listen to anymore. I stood up, and went over to one of my walls, staring at it for a moment. I got a burst of anger, all of my emotions that have been built up inside me exploding. I ripped the paper off of the walls, screaming loudly.
I ripped everything to pieces, paper shards scattered on the floor. After I had nothing left to destroy I flopped down onto my bed, and continued to scream into my pillow, letting the last of my emotions shrivel until I was left in tears, sobbing into my pillow. I stayed like that until I fell asleep.
"Elena! What is this?!" My mother yelled.
I lifted my head up, looking at her, but I didn't say anything.
"Clean this up, right now!" She commanded.
"What did you just say?"
"I said no."
"Elena, I'm your mother, you do what I say."
"Why should I? You can't control my life!"
"Don't you yell at me!"
"Why not? You yell at me all the time!"
"Because, I'm your mother!"
"Not a valid answer!"
"Ooo, you little." She turned away before it went any further.
I laid back down, screaming into my pillow again.
"I'm so sick of your shit!" I yelled.
"You can stay up there for the rest of the night!"
"Fine with me! I don't want to deal with your bitchy ass anyway!"

I heard knocking at my window a few minuets later, I was crying again, and I didn't want to see what it was, but then I got a text.

I'm outside your window, let me in.

Why are you here Luke?

Because I love you, and I know you're pissed. I heard you yelling.

I can't hang out with you.

Just let me in.

I got up, and went over to my window, Luke was sitting on the front porches' roof. I opened the window, and her climbed inside.
"We're going to a concert, get ready," He said.
"What?" I asked.
"A concert you're gonna like , so come on, we're gonna be late if we don't hurry."
"What concert?"
"Just get ready."
"Okay, okay."
I quickly changed, ignoring the fact that Luke was watching me get undressed. I fixed my make up quickly, and put on shoes, and we snuck out the window. Jo, and Micheal were sitting in a car parked across the street from my house, and Luke, and I hopped in the back.
"We good?" Michael asked.
"Yeah," Luke said," Let's go, or we're gonna be late."

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