Chapter 4:

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Becky's POV

Why is she late? It's her first day today. I sighed. Why am I waiting for her in the first place? Goodness me. I never ever begged someone to be my friend.

Guess we all have firsts.

I heard a knock on the office door and saw her enter. She looked at me blankly.

"Why do you want me to go here when my work is delivering food in the first place, Armstrong?" She asked.

Cold. Tsk.

"Nothing. I just want to see you in your first day." I said while shrugging. She rolled her eyes.

She faced the door and walked away. "You already saw me, now let me do my work peacefully."

I got up and wen to her. "Wait." She stopped.

She faced me and said, "What now?"

I sighed. "Do you hate me that much?" I said.


"Then be my friend, P'freen."




"There's something. Why?"

"Stop, Armstrong. If you'll know me, you don't want to be my friend."

"Then let me know you." I wanted to held her hand but I stopped myself.

"I don't want you to know me. Leave me alone, Armstrong." She said while looking at me in the eyes and then walked away.

She closed the door and left me. Why do I feel like there's some invisible strings that pulling me and making me want to be her friend? What's wrong with me?

Freen's POV

Maybe it's been 2 hours after my shift starts. It's actually a light work, they also gave me food and made me eat to one of their tables even though I was just a delivery girl.

It's 10pm when I went back to the restaurant after my last delivery. I saw Armstrong on the counter talking to one of the workers here. Ah, she's really friendly.

When she saw me, she said something to the worker and the worker smiled and waived goodbye to her. She walked in to my direction.

"You're done with your shift right?" She said, smiling. Her smile seems so bright.

It's cut— I hate it.

"Yeah obviously." I said. She laughed and pulled my hand. She put something on my hand.

It was a lollipop.

I looked at her. She smiled and said, "You did a great job today, P'freen. See you tomorrow."

I looked at her. Didn't know what to say. She just giggled and run away. She didn't gave me a chance to reply.

I looked at the lollipop. And saw a little sticker.

You looked like a rabbit.


I rolled my eyes and put the lollipop in my pocket.

"Tsk. What a kid." I said and decided to went straight to the hospital.


"Mom?" I saw my mom standing and looking out of the window. She faced me and smiled.

"Hi kid. How's school? And work? Are you tired?"

I just smiled and went near her. "No. What are you looking at?"

"The stars." She said while looking outside.

"Why?" I asked her.

"They just fascinates me. That's all."

"Yeah well, they're just a big ball of gases mom." I laughed a little. She looked at me and pat my head.

"Some said that when people die, they become stars."

I sighed. "What did I tell you? I don't want to talk about topics like dying."

She just laughed. "Come on Freen, I'm just telling you a belief."

"People are idiot believing that dead persons become stars." I said sharply.

"They believe that to ease their sorrows, Freen. People choose to believe what they want in order for them to move on. They believe that their loved ones who died became stars and guide them when their path seems to be dark."

I looked at her and my heart is already breaking in to pieces. I don't want her to leave me.

I don't have anyone else.

"Don't tell me stories like that when this conversation will end with you, talking about dying, Mom. I don't want you to die. I need you to live, Mom." My eyes became teary.

She brushed my tears away and kissed my forehead.

"I'll try, kid." She softly. I hugged her and buried my face on her neck.

"Please, try harder." I said and sobbed.

I'm so sorry for the angst. Hehe
I kind of feeling sad lately so ...
I'll make bawi next update. 🤭🤍

Anws, still not getting over with "WE DID IT BABY!" 🐰🦦💗

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