Chapter One: The Wilderness School.

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Song:Peaches by Jack Black

Y/n's p.o.v

       You're sitting beside your best friend, Leo Valdez, and whilst you are sitting on your bottom, he is on his knees facing your other best friends, Piper McLean and Jason Grace. Piper spoke up, grabbing your attention, "Jason, are you okay?" She asked, worry laceing her voice.

You turn around to face Piper, "Pipes, he fell asleep, I'm pretty sure he's alright." You said annoyed with how clingy she's been ever since her and Jason started dating. Jason looked confused and took his hand away from hers. "All right, cupcakes, listen up!" Coach Hedge yelled. You could never take the coach seriously, he was 5'0, always carried a bat, and called his students cupcakes. "Is he standing up?" Some kid called out to the kids on the front of the bus.

You rolled you eyes, sure Coach Hedge was short but that didn't mean everyone had to be a smartass about it. The coach glared his beady eyes around to the back side of the bus and then his eyes landed on Jason and narrowed even more which you didn't think was possible. "You've got five minutes until we get there, until then stay with your partner, if you lose your worksheet, tough luck, I didn't bring any extras." Jason looks at you startled, "Does he really talk to us that way?" You shrug, "I mean no one has ever complained about it and he's always talked to us this way, just the way he is." Piper raised her eyebrows, "It is the Wilderness School, where the kids are animals." You and Leo laughed humorlessly. Jason looked even more confused, "I'm not supposed to be here, there's been some kind of mistake." You looked at Leo and shook your head as he laughed, "Right, we've all been framed, I didn't run away six times, Y/n didn't get into fights everyday, and Piper didn't steal a BMW." Piper flushed bright red, "I've told you, I DIDN'T steal the BMW!" "Sorry, I forgot," Leo said,"what was your excuse again, you 'talked the dealer into giving the car to you'." 

Leo fiddled around in his seat, you knew that he had ADHD but it always shocked you at how bad it was. It honestly looked like he was going to spontaneously combust at any given time. Turning to you, Leo said, "You got you work sheet, I hope so 'cuz I used mine for spit wads a couple of days ago." "Leo!" You cry in frustration while smacking him on the head. You turn to look at Piper and Jason hoping they would offer to change partners with you, "Why are you looking at me like that?" You ask Jason. He looks you dead in the eyes, "I don't know any of you." You, once again, look at Leo who is now giving Jason his signature grin, "Right and I'm not your best friend, I'm his evil clone." "Valdez,"Coach Hedge yells, "problem back there?" Leo grins and winks at Jason, "Watch this," he turns to face the coach, "What was that, coach, sorry, having problems hearing you!" 

   Coach Hedge grabs his megaphone and tries to ask again but his voice comes out as Darth Vader's, he tries again but this time he says 'The cow goes moo.' The kids on the bus crack up, Coach Hedge throws his megaphone on the floor of the bus and screams, "Valdez!" You and Piper try to stiffle your laughter but fail miserably, "My God, how'd you manage to do that Leo?" You ask. "I'm a special boy." He says, grinning impishly. Jason looked at Piper pleadly, "What am I'm doing here?" Piper looked at you with worry to which you shrugged, she looked back at him knitting her eyebrows together, "Jason, are you serious?" "Honestly, Pipes, I think he's just getting back at Leo for that Jell-O prank." Jason looked at you still confused, "No, Y/n, I think he's serious." Jason starts to respond but before he can say really anything worth saying Coach Hedge yells, "Looks like the back row just volunteered to clean up after lunch!" You groan while Leo says, "Figures." The bus stopped and dropped them off at a complex that looked a lot like a museum in the middle of nowhere. "Y/n, we need to give Jason a crash course!" Leo said to you. "So, a crash course for the anmesiac?" Leo starts off right away, "We go to the 'Wilderness School'." You butt in, "Which means we're 'bad kids', your family or the court, or whatever, said you were to much trouble-" "So they shipped you to this lovely prison, sorry, 'boarding school', in Armpit, Nevada." "Yo, Piper," said a boy whose name you've forgotten, "Don't talk to these bottom feeders, you're my partner, remember?

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