Chapter Two: Camp Half-Blood

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Song: Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes 

Y/n's p.o.v

As Piper walked away with the douche who called you, Leo and Jason bottom feeders you turn to Leo, "Valdez," you called, mocking Coach Hedge, "Is there a problem back there?" He turned to look at you with a mock serious face on, "Yes, there is, Coach L/n, my friend, Jason, has amnesia and doesn't know who his partner is." You roll your eyes, "Jason can join you and your partner." You and Leo drop the mocking and start laughing at each other's stupidity. Jason eyes you two warily, "Are we really friends?" You and Leo look at him, "I would hope so, or else we've just been a bully, 'cuz it's not really a prank if you're not friends with the person you prank." Leo said walking with the rest of the class. You motion for Jason to follow and you run to catch up to Leo.

The class makes it though the tour of the museum without any casualties, although Piper and Jason almost got into a fight with a girl name Isabella. You made it out to the viewing area of the Grand Canyon and it took your breath away, you had stopped to look around so naturally Leo grabbed your forearm and dragged you onto the glass veiwing platform, Jason close behind. You three sit down on the veiwing platform, when you sit down you look to see that nobody else was on the platform. You start working on your paper knowing that Jason, having anmesia, wouldn't be helpful and Leo being Leo wouldn't be helpful. Out of the corner of your eye you see Leo look up you also notice the him and Jason are still standing up Jason slightly leaning over the rails, "Hey, are you going to throw up?" You ask, Jason had been known to have a weaker stomach then most people. Leo chimes in, "'Cuz if you are I should have brought my camera." You shot a glare at Leo and smack him on the shin.

He ignores you waiting for Jason's reply, finally Jason says, "I'm fine, just a headache." As soon as Jason says that Leo's head moves to look at the sky, "Hmm, that doesn't seem safe." You look up and realize that there are dark storm clouds above you, "Funny, it's cloudy and getting ready to storm here but all around is clear blue skies for days." You say. The winds start to pick up, violently blowing your H/C bun around, you look around to see Leo right beside you and Jason getting yelled at by Coach Hedge. Leo holds out his hand and you grab onto it you both run as fast as you can because the veiwing platform was starting to shake harshly, you stumble, accidentally letting go of Leo's hand, you quickly get back up to see that Leo has made it to the end of the veiwing platform and is urging you to hurry up. You've almost made it, just a few more steps and- "Damnit, Y/n, no offense but you're heavy." The veiwing platform had fallen with you on it, you realized that if it hadn't of been for Leo you wouldn't be alive right now, he hauls you up and you both collapse on the ground.

Suddenly, everything went black.

You woke up groggily to someone lightly smacking your face, "-n....Y/N, WAKE THE FRICK UP!!!" You slowly sit up, which you soon noticed that was a bad idea, you were, God knows how many feet in the air, Leo grabs your shoulder, saving you yet again from falling to your death. He helps you up and you notice that there's a big burly black guy holding the reins of two flying horses and a blonde girl talking to Piper and Jason and nobody seemed to care that the left wheel was on fire. "LEFT WHEEL ON FIRE!!!" The blonde girl was the first to respond, "BUTCH, HEAD FOR THE LAKE!" What seems like seconds later you land in a lake, you and the others swim for the shore.

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