Chapter Three: Claimed

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Song:Play With Fire (sorry, I don't know the artist for it)

Leo's p.o.v

    As we go crashing into the lake all I can think is, 'Please don't let this fall be the one thing that kills me, please let me live, at least until lunch today, pleaseeeeee.' I open my eyes to see the lake right in front of the chariot and get ready for the impact. I feel the water meet my body and I start to tread the water, I was honestly shocked I hadn't died, but I plan to confront Jason about earlier, I didn't know he could freakin' FLY. He's my best friend- aside from Y/n - and he didn't tell me?! As I think that I realize I see everyone except Y/n, I look around thinking, 'I thought she knew how to swim?' I look around once more and right before I'm about to dive in the water to look for her I see Butch helping her out of the water, he was talking to her, probably telling her his name and all that good stuff.

Y/n's p.o.v

   You quickly thanked Butch for helping you and turn to face the mainland, there were at least a dozen or so people staring at us like they had never seen six teenagers fall out of the sky, granted, we did FALL FROM THE FRICKIN SKY! 

"Annabeth, you asked to borrow the chariot not destroy the darn thing!" "I'm sorry, Will, I'll have someone fix it, I swear on the river of Styx." The blonde girl said, you assumed that her name was Annabeth. She tried to explain why she had to put it into the lake but then he scowled in your direction, "They're way older than thirteen, why aren't they claimed yet?!" Leo spoke up, "Claimed?" He questioned raising an eyebrow. Will, once again not letting anything get explained, "Any sign of Percy?" Annabeth sighed sadly, "No." One girl spoke up, "Well, I hope they're worth our time." You could automaticly tell that her and Piper weren't going to get along. "Hey," you say finally drawing some attention to yourself, "we didn't ask to be brought here." The girl looked at you with daggers in her eyes, "And nobody wants you here, hon." She stalked away. Everyone gasped and you knew it wasn't because of what you just did, no, you were stareing right at the reason they gasped, none other than Leo. There was a flaming hammer above his head, not a small hammer a HUGE hammer. You stared in shock at him wondering what the hell just happened. Then the crowed gasped again, quite honestly you thought their gasps were quite annoying, but this time they were all looking at you this time, you looked above you head to see a caduceus.

Annabeth spoke to Piper, "That was a claiming." "That's the symbol of Vulcan," Jason says, pointing at the symbol above Leo's head, and then pointing to the symbol above your head, "and that's the symbol for Mercury." Leo yells, "What are you talking about, I don't even LIKE Star Trek!" Annabeth glanced at you and Leo, and then explained, "Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus and Mercury is the Roman name for Hermes." Will spoke up from beside of Annabeth, "Hephaestus is the god blacksmiths and fire and Hermes is the god of travelers, thieves, and boundaries." You sigh, of course you got the god who basically invented stealing as a dad while Leo got the cool one who got to play with fire. 


I know Piper is supposed to get claimed in this chapter as well but I was going to save that for the next chapter because I took a whole hour and a half to write this one chapter which is pathetic because of how little I have detailed and how short they all are but I'll try to update everyday or so.

If no one has told you, you are beautiful and you have a safe place here! Wattpad has dm's if you ever want to chat in a judgement free space with me!

If no one has told you, you are beautiful and you have a safe place here! Wattpad has dm's if you ever want to chat in a judgement free space with me!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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