Issue 4: Trauma

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Note: Underlined words are people speaking English.

There Peter sat, chowing down on his breakfast. There was no one else in the cafeteria since everyone else would be eating breakfast at their home.

"How's the food, Parker?" Lunch Rush said coming up to him. Peter figured he was trying to make him comfortable, but didn't say.


There was an awkward silence.

"Well... let me know if you need anything," Lunch Rush quickly said as he left Peter alone. As the cafeteria hero left, Peter finished his food.

He walked out of the cafeteria and instead of going to class, he made his way to his room. He opened his laptop to find multiple tabs of websites about the society he was living in.

Everything felt unreal, he felt as if he was back on ground zero. He opened a drawer and took a notebook. It was filled with information about this society and how different it was from home.

Some things were good, such as less discrimination against people with powers or Quirks as there were referred to.

But some things made Peter drop his hope, such as heroes being a job and marking anyone who breaks the law a villain.

This didn't sit well with Peter. 

Many articles contained statements from vigilantes that Peter read. Some were doing it for the fame, no doubt, but some...

"I wanted to save people..." One of the vigilantes said.

"The law in this society is unbalanced and tainted..." Another vigilante said.

"Why should I stand around doing nothing, if someone will get hurt!" A vigilante screamed as guards desperately tried to calm him down.

...just wanted to fight for a new world.

"You're late..." Aizawa crossed his arms as Peter ran breathlessly into the classroom, "Parker, may I remind you that you live inside of U.A?"

Some of his classmates snickered others stayed radio silent. Peter hobbled onto his desk and sat on his chair.

Mr. Aizawa raised an eyebrow expecting a response but decided to not delay the class any longer.

Peter continued to ignore Aizawa's lecture as he continued to be stuck lost in thought. His mind was glued to the thought process of the new society he lived in.

During Support Class, Peter walked to his booth, hoping to clear his mind by making more web-fluid. Mid-process, he realized he had no tools and went back to ask Power Loader for some. On his way, he slammed into something heavy. There was nothing in front of him at first, but after a little bit, he could hear a loud crash as metal armour fell to the ground.

"Hey watch it!" Hatsume yelled from her workstation. She took off her goggles and pushed the armour upright again.

"Invisible armour?" Peter asked as he observed the colourless grey armour.

"Yup! Plan on selling it on my website," Hatsume replied as she took a camera and started snapping pictures of the armour from different angles.

"Website? Is that even allowed?" Peter asked as he found a toolbox and picked it up.

Hatusme plugged the camera into her laptop, "Teacher said it would be fine, as long as the tech isn't overpriced, isn't sold to villains, blah blah blah..."

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