The Wedding Objection

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Ty @thisonemazegirl for the request!

  Simon's POV: I was on my phone while my mom was watching the news on tv, we were both sitting on the couch

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Simon's POV:
I was on my phone while my mom was watching the news on tv, we were both sitting on the couch. But the next thing the news broadcaster said made me look at the tv.

"Crown Prince Wilhelm will be married to the girl Sarah Olson tomorrow, all of Stockholm is invited to the wedding, it will be in front of the palace!"

There was a photo of Wille that showed up on the screen. He looked a little bit different, but he was still the boy I fell in love with 5 years ago. If you asking, why are me and Wille not dating anymore? Well we were forced, his mother kicked him out and made him block all socials of me.

"Simon I think you should go to the wedding to see Wilhelm, you guys haven't seen each other in over 5 years" my mom told me. I kinda think it was a good idea, but at the same time it sounds like a horrible idea. Screw it, I'm going.


I was in my room looking at myself in the mirror. I got a fancy suit that I wore once to an event and I styled my curls a little. I am still really nervous, but this feels like the right thing to do, I still love him.

When I got out of my uber car, I looked at the palace, it hasn't changed at all.

I sat all the way at the end of the front row near the altar so I don't look too noticeable. After a few minutes, I saw the old love of my life walking down the aisle. He looked so gorgeous in person. But he looked like he didn't want to be there. He still had his dirty blonde hair, gorgeous brown eyes, and looked a little bit more tall. Man, he looked so beautiful.

After him came a girl, she had long black hair and dark brown eyes, almost like mine. She had a long white dress with a big bouquet of red roses in her hand.

Wille looked like he had no interest in her, do I have another chance?

The wedding host started to speak. "Crown Prince Wilhelm Ludvig, will you take Sarah Olson as your wife until death?" The wedding host asked him. "I... I do" he hesitated. One if he really forgot about me?

"Sarah Olson, will you take Wilhelm Ludvig as your husband until death?" The wedding host asked her. "I do!" She said happily. I could tell she liked Wille, but I don't know if he likes her back to be honest.

"Ok! Any objections?" The priest asked. This was my chance, I need Wille to know, I still love him.

"I... I object!" I yelled standing up. All eyes were on me. Once Wille looked at me in the eyes, his eyes went wide, I can't tell if it was in a good way or a bad way though.

"And why is that?" The wedding host asked. I went into the middle of the aisle.

"Wille, I still love you. I can't live the rest of my life knowing your gonna be married to someone else. These past 5 years have been so hard for me because you weren't there. My life will be absolute shit if your not in my life. Please Wille.. I need you.. and I still love you..." I let it all out, tears started to threatened to come out of my eyes.

I looked at the floor waiting for an answer, but after about 2 seconds, I heard someone footsteps walk up to me. When I looked up, it was Wille. He had a tiny smile on his face. He gently grabbed my hand and dragged me into the palace.

When we got into his room, he took a second to look at me. His room was almost the same, there's a few decorations that look different though. But I didn't care about that right now.

"Simon.. is that you?" he asked me almost crying. "Y-yeah.. it's me..." I said smiling. He gave a huge smile back and gave me a tight hug. I obviously hugged back, I missed his hugs. I just missed Wille so much. I just started bursting into tears. "It's okay.." he whispered to calm me down. "I... I missed you.. so much" I said through sobs. "I missed you too"

After spending like a half an hour hugging we shared a passionate, quiet kiss. I also missed his kisses a lot, feeling his lips.

We then went back to tight hugging.



"I love you"

"I love you too"


Okay! I'm so sorry if it sucked but ty for reading byee 💗

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