You will be okay

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Ty @fairyloover for the request! Sorry u had to wait a long time!

⚠️TW: MENTIONS OF DEATHWilhelm's POV: I woke up to a call, I looked at who it was and it said "Mom"

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Wilhelm's POV:
I woke up to a call, I looked at who it was and it said "Mom". Great. I picked it up already knowing what's she's going to say.

"Hi mom" I said with a tired voice and a sigh.

"Wilhelm, why would you post a photo of you and that weird boy kissing on Instagram!?" My mom said in complete disgust and anger.

"Okay mom first of all, Simon isn't weird, and second of all, why does it even matter? I'm already out to all of Sweden anyways!" I told her.

"Why do you always have to be so stubborn!? Why can't you just date a girl? It's not even hard!" She yelled through the phone.

"Mom you can't just decide who I'm attracted to! Why can't you just except me for who I am!?" I yelled at her. I could feel tears rising in my eyes.

"I WISH YOU WERE THE ONE WHO DIED, NOT ERIK". She screamed and hung up the phone right after.

Did she really just do that? She has never brought up wanting me to die. Tears just spilled out of my eyes. I began to rub my chest aggressively while sitting up. Should I call Simon? No, I can't have him just worrying about me all the time, it's not fair for him.

After 20 minutes of just crying and rubbing my chest aggressively, I tried to get out of bed to go to breakfast, but I just couldn't, I felt like I've been shot. I guess I'll just not go to school today.

Simon's POV:

I was sitting in my class waiting for Wille, but he didn't show up which I thought was weird, he usually comes before class starts. Maybe he's just sleeping in? I hope that's the case.

After first class ended, I went to Felice to see if she knows where Wille is.

"Hey Felice, do you know where Wille is, I haven't seen him all morning". I asked her.

"Nope I haven't actually, I texted him an hour ago and he hasn't responded, maybe he's sleeping in?" She told me.

"Yeah I thought that too, we'll see you later then!" I said walking away.


Classes go by, and I still haven't seen Wille. I texted him about 20 times and he hasn't seen my messages at all. Im getting a little bit worried.

It was now lunchtime, I couldn't even eat because I'm still worrying about Wille.

I just leave the lunch room to go to Wille's dorm. I hope he's okay. I knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" He asked kind of like he was crying.

"It's me, Simon, are you okay? Why haven't you been going to class and answering my messages?" I asked worried.

"Oh uh I just don't feel well!" He said, but he didn't sound okay to me.

"Wille, please open the door". I said calmly.

I started to hear violent sobs, now I knew what was going on.

"WILLE OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled, I couldn't let him have a panic attack alone, no way.

"WILLE PLEASE!" I yelled again, I really want to comfort him rn.

That's when I forgot, I had a key that he gave me to his dorm! I unlocked the door, to see Wille curled up in the corner of his bed with blood shot red eyes, sobbing violently and rubbing his chest really fast and aggressively.

I immediately ran to him. "Oh Wille..." I said putting the hairs that were in his face behind his ears. "Can you *sniff* hold me please" he asked like he wanted to cry again. "Of course amor" I said wrapping my arms around him. He just snuggled to my chest and kept sobbing into my chest, but it wasn't that violent anymore and I was glad. I kept telling him that he's gonna be okay gently.

"Here Wille breath with me, 123 in ... 123 out ..." I breathed with him a few more times and it helped him a bit.

Nobody's POV:

Simon and Wilhelm were now sitting together on the floor, with Wilhelm laying his head on Simons lap and Simon was playing with Wilhelm's hair.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Simon asked him. He nodded.

"This morning, I woke up from a call from my mom." Wille started off, Simon kind of knew where this was going. "She asked me why I posted that photo of us kissing and then she-" Wille took a breath before continuing. "She- she told me she wishes that I was the one dead and not Erik.." Wille said trying to hold on his tears. Simons eyes got wide. 'Why the hell would she say that to him?' Simon thought.

"Wille, I'm so sorry, don't listen to her, you don't and never deserve to be dead, your loved, and I'm sure Erik is very proud of you." Simon said while leaning down to hug him. Wilhelm sat up and started crying in his lovers shoulder. Simon rubbed his back to calm him down.

"How about you take a shower, then we can watch a movie and cuddle together, does that sound good?" Simon asked after awhile of just hugging each other on the floor. Simon knew that he missed a lot of his classes, but he didn't care. He would rather comfort Wille than go to some boring math class.

"Mhm" Wilhelm nodded and went to the washroom to take a shower.

While Wilhelm was in the washroom, Simon put blankets and pillows on the floor with the computer. He then quickly walked to the cafe to grab some chips and water. Then when he came back to his dorm he got his hoodie and some sweatpants and put in on the sink for Wilhelm.

After a few minutes he came back and gave him a hug. "Thank you" Wille said. Simon hugged tighter and said, "Your welcome Wille, you know you can always come to me whenever your not feeling okay." Which made Wilhelm smile.

"Aren't you gonna change into pjs?" Wilhelm asked.

"Nah it's fine, I don't have a problem sleeping in my uniform." Simon said kind of lying, but he would do anything for Wille.

"Here have one of my hoodies." Wille said walking to the closet and grabbing his dark blue hoodie. "Well, if you insist!" Simon said grabbing it and changing into it. Wille just chuckled. Simon was now just in Wille's hoodie and his own boxers, but Simon always liked it like that because he doesn't like to be hot.

"I CALL BEING DOMINANT IN CUDDLING!" Wilhelm said out of the blue. "As always" Simon chuckled. Wilhelm always wants to be dominant in cuddling, he loves that Simon could be in his arms and he could let go of Simon whenever he wanted to.

Wilhelm sat against a huge stack of pillows and Simon sat in between Wilhelm's legs, with one of Wilhelm's arms around him, and the other hand is playing with his soft curls.

"Did you know that you are the only person that can touch my curls?" Simon said looking up.

"Good, because these curls are only mine to touch." Wilhelm said half serious, Simon just chuckled.

They decided to watch Fall, it was a thriller movie on Netflix.

"Thank you so much, I love you Simon."

Wilhelm got no answer, he looked down and saw Simon who fell asleep in his arms. Wilhelm just smiled.

Simon really is his perfect boy.


Ty for reading! Sorry if your request isn't here yet, I'm trying my best!!!

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