Simon's Nightmare

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ : Panic attack, mentions of abuse, and alcohol 

Simon's POV:

Me, my mom and Sara were sitting on the couch all together watching this fun movie. We were all loving it until we heard banging on the door, so my mom went to go see who it was. But then, Sara and I heard a loud scream.

We rushed to go see what was going on, and we saw my mother, bleeding on the floor with glass in her head, she looked like she came out of a horror movie. "MAMA!?" We both screamed and ran up to her. But all of a sudden, Sara's hair got pulled back, I turned around to see who it was.

It was my father, he looked so drunk, and he had a vodka bottle that got smashed on the top. He had Sara held up with her collar, and she had absolute terror on her face. "MICKE STOP!" I screamed at him. He just held her tighter and had the bottle ready to swing at her head. "SIMON, YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING BRAT, ALWAYS ACTING LIKE THE VICTIM, WHEN YOUR REALLY NOT, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR ALWAYS ACTING SO BRATTY!" He said, swinging the bottle at Sara's forehead. And well... she passed out. "SARA!!!" I screamed in horror.

Wilhelm's POV:

"MAMA!" I was woken up by a worried quiet mumble. I turned around to see Simon looking a bit shaky, and he didn't have a good look on his face. I just thought he was dreaming about something random. As I turned back around I was about to fall asleep again until I heard a loud voice. "MICKE STOP!" Simon murmured loudly, kicking his legs a little bit. That's when I realized, he was having a dream about his father, again.

"Simon?" I said calmly, shaking his shoulder a bit. "STOP PLEASE! DON'T TOUCH ME" He said violently shaking. "SIMON WAKE UP!" I said shaking him. He woke up, let out a loud gasp and sat up straight right away. He was crying and breathing really hard, as if his lungs were about to collapse. "W-what happened!? Where's mama and Sara!?" He asked as he was looking around the room in a panic way. I reached my hand to go on his shoulder. "Simon-" "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" He screamed louder and physically pushed me away, I hit the wall but it didn't hurt. "Simon-" I tried to explain but he cut me off again. "GET OUT!" He yelled as he pointed to the door. "Simon just-" "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" He screamed, he sounded like he was almost gonna loose his voice. I didn't protest once more before I leaped off his bed, grabbed my phone and walked out of his bedroom, but closing the door very gently.

Linda, Sara and all of his other friends told me how he had so many nightmares about his father as a kid. They said that he would either want comfort, or scream to be alone. When he wants to be alone, it was always best to just stay out of the room until he comes to you for comfort. So I just sat beside his door and waited for him to calm down. Linda was at Spain visiting family, and Sara was of course living in the manor house now so it was just him and I alone.

I kept hearing screaming, crying, yelling at himself that he's a monster and an idiot, and that he doesn't deserve anything, which isn't true. It broke my heart whenever he was upset or sad. I cried a little bit from just hearing him, but I wiped my tears, I had to stay strong for him.

Simon's POV:

Oh my gosh, I'm a monster. I just pushed Wille away and screamed at him, I never done that before. I'm becoming like my father, I'm just hurting people over and over again, I'm becoming a monster.

I screamed, I cried, I panted, I yelled at myself, I threw pillows and blankets on the floor, I slammed the wall that's closest to my bed, I just let it all out. I hurt the love of my life and there's no going back.

"WILLE!" I screamed, I screamed like I saw him get killed.

Right after I said that, the door flew opened.

Wilhelm's POV:

"WILLE!" I heard him scream, I immediately swung open the door, I looked around to see Simon curled up against his wall, his face was red and he had fresh and old tears on his face, his breathing was not normal either. His bed was empty, just a mattress, the rest of his things were scattered on the floor. "Hey Simon, I'm here.." I said in a calm voice as I slowly walked up to him, sitting next to him, but not too close so he doesn't freak out. "W-wille.. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for pushing you and- and I'm so sorry for kicking you out of my bedroom, and I'm so sorry for just acting so bitchy! I'm so sorry Wille.." He said sobbing into his knees. I sighed. "Can I hold you now?" I asked so he doesn't panic if I touch him. "Yes please.." He said quietly, but audible for me to hear. My hands slowly went underneath his shoulders and I carefully put him on my lap.

"Simon, please know that I love you, and if you ever want space or to not be touched, that is completely fine with me, your the best boyfriend I could ever have, please know that" I said, trying to calm him down. It helped a little bit but I could tell he couldn't talk or else he would have a huge breakdown. So I gently placed my hand behind his head, placed his head on my shoulder and played with his hair a little bit.

After about 15 minutes of him just being in my arms, I decided to say something. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked him calmly. He shook his head. "I really don't wanna talk about it right now.." Simon said, he sounded like his voice was about to disappear. "That's okay, do you wanna cuddle until we fall asleep?" I recommended, lifting his face up gently to look at him, his face was wet with tears, redness was around his cheek bones, his eyes were red like he had been crying, which he was and he just didn't look like the Simon I know.

He nodded slightly. "Okay, I'm just gonna make the bed and then we can cuddle" I told him and lifting him up, placing him on his bean bag next to the fish tank that I bought for him recently. "I'm sorry for causing such a big mess.." he said hugging his knees together. I knelt down in front of him. "Simon.." I placed my hands on his before continuing. "Please don't ever apologize, you were just having a bad time and it's not your fault, you aren't a monster either, please don't say that okay?" He nodded slightly, looking a bit shy.

 I put the pillows and blankets neatly on the bed as I felt Simon staring at me, not in a creepy way or an admiring way, just in a calm way. 

 After organizing his bed I took Simon's hand, making him stand up and come with me to his bed. We laid down in the position where I was laying on my back and Simon was hanging on my side, his head laying on my shoulder. "Thank you Wille.." Simon said tiredly. "Simon, I already told you not to apologize" I said giggling. "Okay.. well goodnight love you.." He said quietly before falling back asleep. "I love you too, beautiful boy" I said before kissing him on the nose.

 I of course watched him sleep for a bit incase he gets any nightmares, and I may have taken a photo.. Ok let's forget about that.


 Thank you for reading! Sorry I haven't been posting I've just been busy with things but I'm happy to post this oneshot! Requests are still closed! ❤️

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