Get Your Bearings

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Did you know it would happen like this? Was it your fault it ended this way..?

You look at the ceiling of your room, the air was filled with dust particles, almost to a nauseating degree. blotches of light speckled in your line of sight, practically outlining the floating dust around this musty ass house.

You got it for relatively cheap, considering the several high-balling real estate prices around, it wasn't too bad for how out of date it was. sure, the floors were practically rotting with mold and mildew and every step was a gamble on whether or not you'd fall straight through, but hey. It's a house.

Slipping out of your bed and carefully trotting your way to the kitchen, the floor practically aching to be replaced with each step. Boxes were still piled in the kitchen, your back was practically dying from replacing the old refrigerator the previous residents had with your own. 'That shit was so old, bitches probably still called it an 'ice box' Opening the refrigerator you were met with a refreshing, cool, artificial breeze. You opened up a fruit bowl gifted to you as a 'housewarming' gift from a family member, still carrying the bowl and snacking nonchalantly.

Opening up a clothes box, setting them all aside into your dresser and closet respectively, and proudly examining your handiwork, taking a prideful bite of fruit as a reward.

'Ah, I should probably move the seasonal boxes into the shed before I forget..' popping the last few pieces of food in your mouth, the floor creaked awfully, it YEARNED for WD40. Wincing at the noise, you casually find the boxes sprawled in the living room.

You huff as you lifted the boxes needed for relocation, the gathered dust that rested on the sides of the cardboard left your hands ashy and debris filled.

You continued, peeking over the stack you were carrying to see where you were going slightly, After a strained grunt and multiple close calls with crashing to the floor, you managed to make it to the shed lightly kicking the door open for your entrance.

A few moths skittered and flew out as you did so, plopping your packages down you noticed the shed door had scratch marks at the bottom of the wood. Tracing your finger along the scratches, it seemed to be fairly deep, the wood was already splitting at the bottom, giving the impression that it was brittle due to age.

You shrug it off, and your eyes trail over to the boxes, noticing something new. A small crate resting in the corner of the shed was caked on with a layer of dust and practically rotting with the rest of the shed, you walk over to the crate brushing your hands on your pants, removing any lingering dirt, only to brush your hand along the rotting, dusty wood to unveil a perfectly etched name, 'WaLLy.' in the wood.

'Huh, weird? Did the last tenants forget this? Do I...want to know what's in there..?' You look around, it's possible it may have been forgotten as the shed was a little out of the way and pretty easy to forget about when moving.

'I guess I'll have to take a look, ya' know... Just in case there's anything noteworthy worth reporting back to the realtor, or anything worth telling the police, jusssttttt in case there's anything illegal or something like that.

a small pillow holding a tiny key, a folded note, along with a VHS tape beside it. Your brows furrowed as you analyzed the items in front of you, thinking back to when you were younger and the old VHS player in one of the scattered packages, it was a gift from a family member.

Opening up the note you found sprawled across the paper was a single sentence, written in sprawled-out, inconsistent handwriting. It said, 'Hello neighbor, I hope you can help me with a favor. Place the tape inside a VHS player. Please and thank you. :)'

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