Stay and Wait

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You didn't dream, it was just silence. The buzzing was gone, the static was gone, the only sound was that of your breathing, and the beating of your heart. It wasn't clear if you were awake or not. You felt something brush up against your hand, your mind began to wake up as your eyes slowly opened.

A blurry image of a short, yellow, and blue figure clouded your vision. You felt a hand on your head, brushing your hair lightly, "Good morning neighbor!" a monotonous voice spoke, confused and startled, you sat up quickly.

With your swift movement, you full-force head-butted the figure in front of you, toppling them off the bed you were resting in, and onto the floor below. They groaned as they landed, and looked up at you with wide eyes.

With a 'thunk' to the ground you rub your eyes and examine the person you've just physically collided with. They looked to be extremely short, not taller than 3 feet, with a giant blue pompadour, yellow fleece skin, and a blue cardigan they looked up at you with wide eyes, and a cat-like smile. Their eyes stared intensely at you, looking for any hint of recognition, almost as if they expected you to know them right away.

You take a deep breath and start to shakily panic, looking around the colorfully loud room, frantically for a way to escape, this wasn't your home, where the fuck are you. 'Window? Maybe. Door? Probably.' You look at your clothes, and see it's the same outfit you were wearing when you passed out. 'Is this some kind of liminal dream? Some kind of delirium?' The reality of this situation has yet to settle in completely.

Your bare feet fall down from the bed, keeping your distance from the figure and you quickly sprint to the door, completely filled with adrenaline and the pure instinct to get the fuck OUT. Before your eyes, you watch as in a split second the door slams shut, all by itself, and right into your face, dizzy and delirious you stumble backward from the sudden impact,

Yelping in pain, rubbing your cheek that had taken most of the force of the collision. Looking behind you, and seeing the figure from before looking at you and watching with wide-eyed confusion. "Neighbor...? Are you hurt?" He tilts his head to the side, his wide black eyes still locked with your own.

Sweat beading on your brow, you feel a cold and clammy feeling, skin crawling with fear and anxiety to a nauseating degree. Feeling your heart beating in your throat.

You look toward the window as a last-ditch effort. Before you could even begin moving, the window immediately shut itself.

"Home thinks you're being rude." The figure speaks, You look back at the short puppet with a confused and nervous look, he just smiles at your acknowledgment of him. Propping himself up, and dusting off his rainbow patterned pants. 'That's why he looked familiar, the fucking VHS tapes!' you think to yourself, frustrated and disgusted. 'This is creepy. This is not normal. There is no way this is actually happening.'

Your eyes stare at him in deep-seated fear and confusion, mind being completely absorbed by the thoughts in your head, 'If this is some cosplay Wizard of Oz bullshit I'm going to commit an act of violence against this guy.' You think to yourself with a slight tremor in your legs. Feeling the after-effects of the adrenaline calming down your body.

"Wally Darling. Nice to meet you, neighbor." He cheerily says, extending his hand for you to shake. Still absorbed in thought and completely dumbfounded you look at the hand and look back at him. 'Is this kid fuckin' SERIOUS? Like, I understand dedication to a role but this is actually insane.' The hand just stays there, unrelenting. Waiting for your input.

Hesitantly bringing your hand out, you grip his hand to shake and his arm just goes limp as you shake it. It was honestly kind of funny if the situation wasn't so tense. Pulling your hand back as soon as the uncomfortable handshake was over, your face turns into a stern expression, your jaw clenched.

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