Happy In This Moment

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[Chaewon's POV]

It's now May, over a month after the group releases were postponed thanks to the pandemic. Yeonjun has done better with putting up with the pandemic though it still gets to him sometimes. This is our last year of promoting as IZ*ONE. I wish it wasn't just a project group... I really enjoyed the bonds I made with my group here, it wasn't just with TXT.

We started preparing for our next comeback. It wasn't even long since we released BLOOM*IZ and we're having another one. We were all in the waiting room getting ready to record the lines for our title track: Secret Story of the Swan. We'd have to record both a Korean and Japanese version. Wonyoung and I sat outside the recording room waiting for our turn to record our lines.

"Chaewon unnie, does this feel unfair?" Wonyoung asked.

"Unfair?" I asked.

"I mean, our friends are in a little hiatus from schedules while we're still promoting during the pandemic..."

"I understand where you're coming from Wonyoung-ah, but I'm sure they'll manage. Why did you ask?"

"It's just we can't really do much about it..."

"I have an idea, after we're done let's hang out with the Yeonjuniz after the recording."

"I'm down! Let's do that!" Wonyoung excitedly said. Wonyoung started to record her lines first once it was her turn and in the mean time, I texted Yeonjun if he'd like to hang out.

Chaewon: Yeonjun! Yeonjunnie!

Yeonjun: Ya! What Kim Chaewon??

Chaewon: Are you and Kai busy?

Yeonjun: No? Why you ask?

Chaewon: Wanna hang out after we finish recording? Wonyoung will come too!

Yeonjun: Sure, I'll tell Kai!

An hour later, we finished recording and listening to the finished recordings. Immediately after, Wonyoung and I drove to the park to wait for Yeonjun and Huening Kai.

"Yo guys!" We heard Kai shout after 30 minutes of arriving. Kai ran to us and hugged us. "Oh my god I missed all of your faces! This pandemic has been rough!"

"We missed you too Kai," I said.

"Agreed, I missed seeing you every so often!" Wonyoung pouted.

"Sorry Wonyoung, I haven't been able to go outside as much as I wanted lately!" Kai said.

"Wait where's Yeonjunnie?" I asked.

"He's here... Closer than you think."

"W-What?" All of a sudden I was hugged from behind.

"Surprise Chaewonnie!" Yeonjun said.

"Yeonjun you caught me off guard!"

"I'm just too happy to see you, by the way what's this about?"

"Well we have free time and Wonyoung and I figured we'd hang out with you and Kai."

"That a fact? Well Huening-ah here has been ecstatic to see his friends again," Yeonjun said and nudged Kai.

"It was nice of you to think about us Kai!" Wonyoung said.

"T-Thanks..." Kai awkwardly said.

"So what do you guys wanna do first?" I asked.

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