Yoshiki X Oc : A Scorpio's Heart

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A.N: So here we are again guys. Each J-metal star will have a chapter dedicated to their star-sign. And to kick us off, we'll start with our favourite silver fox Scorpio. Yoshiki Hayashi. Please enjoy.

The minute the phone call came, was the moment that he had second thoughts about this whole thing

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The minute the phone call came, was the moment that he had second thoughts about this whole thing. Which was just fucking peachy. Because of course when he couldn't do anything about his choice; is precisely when his mind would make him second guess it. 

Looking towards his assistant, as they traveled towards the hospital, he couldn't help but notice how dour she seemed. It looked as though she was grinding her teeth. She wasn't looking at him though, instead she was staring out of the car window like she wanted the whole world to burn. Curious. Melissa was never usually like this. But it didn't matter for the moment, he had his own problems to worry about. So rather than trying to make conversation with her, he chose instead to emulate her. 

With a deep, worried sigh he turned his head and watched as the L.A scenery whizzed past them as Lawrence, his driver expertly maneuvered through downtown. He had planned things differently to this. But, these things, rarely if ever cared about the plans of men. It was about two weeks, too early but then they had been warned that might happen at the last check-up. Clenching his jaw, his eyes narrowed in an outward manifestation of his inner angst and frustration. He should have knocked everything out of his schedule after that visit with the doctor. But she had convinced him otherwise. Reassuring him that she would be fine. They would be fine. At least until he cleared up the last bits and pieces he needed to. 

He knew this wasn't her fault or anybodies for that matter. Nature was a fickle mistress and she cared not for the preferences of man. But even still, he was agitated that he hadn't listened to his gut. It rarely led him wrong and this was just further proof of such. But there was nothing that could be done about it now. The important thing was that he got to the hospital as soon as possible. 

"Lawrence, how far out are we from La Vistia?" He called forward, more sharply than he intended to. More outward manifestation of his inner battles. Apparently, he was unable to contain himself as he usually could. 

To his credit, Lawrence didn't take his tone personally, rather he chuckled deeply. "About five minutes, Sir. I'm driving as fast as I possibly can. We gotta get you there in one piece. I don't think the lady would appreciate you landing in a bed in the ward above her." 

He didn't respond verbally, just nodded to the man. He knew Lawrence could see him, he was front and center of the rear view mirror. The interior of the car went silent again for a few moments before Melissa broke it. 

"Relax, Sir. This has been happening for time in memorial. It's not a quick process. We can get there and things will most likely not get going properly for another few hours. We don't need to rush." 

He cut his eyes to the woman quickly and narrowed them. He didn't think he was happy with the blonde's tone. She had spoken harshly and with what had sounded like a modicum of venom. Had she forgotten her place? She may have been with him for years, but he was still her boss and she still had a code of conduct that he expected her to follow. She got away with more than the other five assistants that he had combined. But she was not invincible. 

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