Kamijo X Oc : A Blissful Dance with The Cancer

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A.N: Hello my lovelies. Tonight it is Kamijo's turn to get some love. So please enjoy this sweet, short journey of introspection of devotion and love. Adult themes as always, so please look for the normal markings.

With a soft groan, she nuzzled into my hand, as I ran it through her hair and down her face

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With a soft groan, she nuzzled into my hand, as I ran it through her hair and down her face. I watched as a small smile graced her full lips, in the light of the moon streaming through the gossamer fabric of the window hangings. My best kept secret, someone who, through her own choice, did not want to be pulled into my light. 

She had never wanted to be part of my public life, from the moment we met at a Versailles fans only live event, ten years ago. She had been visiting Japan with a group of her international girlfriends and had come to see us perform. She wasn't the fan, her friend Amana was. Emberly had just come along so Amana wouldn't be alone. Amana who, since then, had been living a blissful life with Masashi. Emberly however, had rather unexpectedly, become mine. It hadn't happened overnight mind you and at one point, we couldn't stand each other. 

I gave a quiet huff of amusement, thinking back on that period of time, where we would have sooner throttled each other than kiss one another's lips. But now? Now my world didn't turn without her, she was my everything. The one I could come home too and strip away the layers of my intricate and well cultivated disguise. With her, I was simply Yuuji Kamijou. A husband, a confidante and a regular, everyday man. It was bliss. It was refreshing and I loved her dearly. With her, all I had to focus on was loving her and helping her build our beautiful and peaceful life together. 

It was domestic. It was comforting and it was addictive. Some would call it boring and utterly maudlin, given who I was and the myriad of lifestyles that I could've chosen to live. And while it was true and I could live a life of splendor, star spangled events and spending nights in cloud-soft beds with starlets galore. I instead chose to spend my nights at home, in a lush four poster bed, with my beautifully normal, regular wife. I say regular, in the most societal focused way, because to me she was anything but regular. To me she was the epitome of special, unique and a gift of the most exceptional kind. But then, I was biased and she was mine. 

An author of multiple best-selling fantasy novels, she held her own in the world. She did not choose to live the life of a pampered and primped trophy wife as so many other V-Kei wives were. In fact, she hated the very idea of it for herself, but did not judge others for choosing that kind of life. She was very much a believer in the phrase 'each to their own' when it came to people. As long as they weren't harming themselves or others, she encouraged them to keep doing what worked for them. But knew it would never work for her. And I supported and understood that. Though, that hadn't always been the case to say the least. 

I had, shamefully, tried to push her into that lifestyle at the beginning. Not out of a need to control or be negative in any fashion. But because I wanted to take care of her. Provide for her and make it so she never had to worry about anything ever again. I wanted to shed my blood, sweat and tears, simply so that she didn't need to. Because to me? She deserved that. She deserved the world. And while I could never give her the actual world, no human being could. I could at the very least, give her a personal and private version of it. I could ensure she could see the whole of it. Experience all of the different cultures, values and mystery of the world in our immediate vicinity and further afield. But she hadn't wanted that. She had simply wanted me. 

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