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8:50pm- So a few months ago, I started a Siren subliminal (the half fish kind of siren) to see if I'd have any results from it. Fast forward and now my diet has changed drastically and I've realized that I'm a hybrid of wolf shifter and fish 

I used to eat cheese all the time but it was the first to make me so nauseous that I could vomit. Ice cream was becoming more so meh (less appetizing), I can't stomach grapes anymore. Most coffees, I can't consume. I drank salt water because I was craving it at one point. I've had at least 1 phantom tail shift (I physically felt the flop of the fish tail when I focused on it), I crave sea foods way more than I used to. I can't stomach various other fruits, toast is a no-go along with certain baked goods. For now I only drink dandelion tea since it's the only coffee related substance I can stomach. Oh and I can't drink water that has a PH level anywhere below 9; if I do, my throat starts feeling like sht. Example: I used to drink Deer Park water all the time but now if I drink it before bed, I wake up with a sore throat that feels dry as the Sahara.

My nails and teeth ache when I focus on how they'd look in aquatic form; oh and the sub has immortality listed as an option which I did opt for. I've had 1 dream so far relating to immortality and in the wake world (not sleeping) I feel like I'm not the mortal sense of adult anymore, like I'm in the super early era of my immortal life.

My therapist says my nails are really sharp (best way to not harm someone by accident is to keep them cut short); and yes, he knows about the subliminal. No, he does not think it's BS that I'm changing he actually encourages my progress. 

Last time I sipped Starbucks coffee, it tasted like the most awful thing I've ever had; basically trash in beverage form.

I will always find the mermaid types amusing. The ones I've encountered in the past prioritized being playful and looking pretty with bright colors no matter the environment; they also didn't think about parasites. 

Onto my preferred aquatic appearance- if you look up the siren form from the show "Siren" then you'll see my inspiration. The only difference is, my tail will produce electricity much like the electric eel (only the barb at the end; a single shock can cause paralysis). The voltage of an electric eel is much higher than a powerline. The barb would basically mainly be used for self-defense purposes as well.

Side note: My British friend (who knows about the sub) asked if I'd ever consider going full aquatic, I told him "only if the air had become way too toxic even with a mask on".


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