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9:02pm- I met a dragon shifter a couple or so weeks ago. We shared some things we had in common and now they consider me a "dragon blooded" as well. I basically realized that eventhough the "dragon blood" in me is slim, it still apparently counts as being part dragon; so technically I'm a tribrid of wolf, siren and dragon (wolf being the most dominant of traits). They also acknowledge me as a tribrid. 

~A bit of family backstory with this shifter~

Their family was cursed with insanity for generations though few members in the bloodline had a knack for witchcraft and the occult. Thing is, those family members end up hated (and possibly shunned) by the others; another thing about the practitioners, their hair begins to turn silver the more they practice. The shifter happens to be one of those practitioners

-end of backstory-

As I discussed my experiences with this shifter, they said that even though they're a dragon, they'll never be as powerful as me (dragons are pretty fcking powerful). Funny part is that they're the one who gets lethally attacked more often than I do. Speaking of attacks, I almost got unalived in a dream recently after learning a bit about the Goddess Tiamat. I've also seen 666 twice (recognized to be her number) and 222; plus the dream I had involving the planet Saturn and a guy I met who's birth chart apparently has a lot of Saturn placements. In other words, sht didn't start happening until I learned a bit about Tiamat. Also, a part of me considers Tiamat as "mother"; it makes sense considering she's the mother of all dragons. In regards to being a tribrid, I don't see it as being 3 seperate things but rather 3 things all at once while still being separate things all at the same time. 

The Saturn guy told me something that might explain the mysterious symbol that appeared on me years ago. Basically he said that in some eastern culture, receiving such a symbol would be considered a blessing from the Gods allowing the receiver to connect with the dead for various reasons and allowing the receiver to notice things others typically wouldn't notice. It makes sense considering I like dead things and the process of decomposition, plus my village of biological residence had a thing for helping the newly dead transition from the physical world to the next world of existence.


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