
26 0 2

~Summer Solstice~

3:05pm- I noticed my canines (and a few other teeth) only get sore when I go into the "hungry predator" mindset. Mentioned it to an online friend and they suggested a sort of "flesh craving" is developing since my teeth feel fine when I don't think about eating meat. It doesn't matter who pr what I look at, if it's a fleshy being (person or animal) and I look at them as if they're food then my teeth will react. 

      There's a saying that apparently sirens are in green water while mermaids are in blue.. I don't know if it's true but I do know the lake has a green tint to it. Unrelated note: My dad called me photogenic which he's never called me before (I think being photogenic was an affirmation in the siren sub). 

       I have cousins coming to the LH sometimes next week, maybe they'll notice something maybe they won't. I'll definitely need to do some grocery shopping before they arrive though since there's barely any food (some of it was expired).


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