Meeting elijah

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I stood there in shock , (so a mate ? That's like a soulmate ??) klaus ats (yes Avery you are my soulmate) I say (wow that's crazy ,I've been alone l my life now I have a soulmate) klaus says (I'm so sorry I didn't find you sooner but I would like it if you stayed with me at the mikealson house ) I say ( ok ) klaus says (great luv ,come on let's get you home ) he wraps his arm around my waist as we walk out the grill when I hear ( who the hell he s that ?!! ) I turn around to see Damon . Klaus says (she is my mate so you better watch you're younger Salvatore or I'll tear it straight from your mouth !)
And we walk out to his really fancy car (wow ) is all I said he opens the door for me I said (thanks darling )
He said (of course Anything for my queen ) we got to his home ! (Home more like a palace ! ) I said klaus laughed and said (I'll show you to our room ) as we go up the stair case I start thinking (our ?!!! ) klaus says (yes our room , I've missed you for a thousand years ! I want you with me 24 /7 ) I say ( that's so sweet ) he opens the bed room door ,that bed was giant !! Everything was soo fancy ! I laid on the bed and klaus came lay next to me he cuddled up into me Unix he said ( luv I have to go , there the sacrifice tonight ) I said ( wait !! As soon as the spell works and u start to turn elijah will attack you , and you need Elena to live , her blood is the key to creating hybrids ) klaus looked puzzled how fluid you know that ?? ) I say (I'll explain later ) a few bourse later eligha comes to the house , I said ( what r u doing here traitor !) elijah says ( who are u ! What are you doing in Nicklaus house ?) I say proudly ( I'm his mate ) I look elijah confidently in the eye and then oh no ! My stomach dose that weird thing along with my eyes elijah says (your my mate !, come now niklaus will want you there when he comes back from his wolf form , and I don't want you all alone here darling )

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