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Once elijah took me out to klaus . Klaus was lying on the ground naked , elijah threw him the clothes . (Come now niklaus I have important news ) klaus grouned (alright brother ) elijah said (I have found my mate ! It's this beautiful girl right here ) I blushed at his words and I don't know mabey the fact that klaus was naked !!! He was so hot but I quickly looked away ,klaus said (oh bloody hell ! I have to share everything!! ) klaus put on his clothes he put his arms around my shoulders protectively as we walked . We got in the car and klaus sat me down in his lap as Elijah drove with his hand no my thy which made me a little skidish like I don't really k ow him not like I know klaus . But we get to their giant mansion and we walk in , klaus say to me (  how did u know that eligha would attach me ?) I said ( I know this is entirely to hard to understand but I'm from another dimension or something , I shifted here to your dimension and in my dimension your lives is a tv show called the vampire diaries the originals and legacies, but with me here I can change everything and save u all ) elijah had a dumbfounded look in his face klaus just stared at me with a weird look ( alright luv, I believe you u can help me out a lot , but first me and eligha have some business to attend. Right elijah?) elijah says (oh yes , the matter of my family) klaus calls to me ( be back in a gif luv ) they walk in another room

Klaus pov :

I take eligha into the room where I kept my daggers siblings (here u are brother our family ) elijah looks around (what about our mate ?) I say (oh don't worry I will take good care of her ) elijah said (what do yo-) when I plunged a dagger in his heart (that's for trying to steal my mate !) I put elijah in his coffin and walk out of the room to see my Avery curled up in the couch fast asleep ,she was so cute so innocent so perfect so beautiful. I couldn't help myself picked her up carrying her to our room . Laying her down in the bad . I crawled in too wrapping my arms around her a thousand years of loneliness of crying for my mate is over !I have her I have my angel . I strike her hair , she is just like a kitten my little kitten . I hear her stir , she waking up . She sit up and hugs my neck . I say (come on kitten , we need to pack we are going Wearwolf hunting ) she says in the cutest voice (ok , is elijah Coming?) I scowled at that last part (no kitten he is not coming , am I not enough ?) Avery says (no no !! Nik!! Ur enough !! Ur plenty accualy ) I chuckle at her sarcasm (ok then good cause we leave for soon we just have to pick up an old friend and a doppelgänger)

Avery pov :

I pack while nik hide and gets his doppelgänger and old friend . Finally with Stefan and Elena both with us Damon and Donnie can finally get together!!! Yay! Soon klaus comes barging in threw the doors with Elena and Stefan and Hollers for me  (Avery !! Luv !!! We are leaving!!) I say (okay !!) I wore a cute knee length sundress and had my suit case with me coming down the stairs(pic above )

Klaus pov :

Seeing Avery coming down those stairs in that dress was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen , all I can do is stair at her with affectation and love she sooo beautiful once she gets to me I open my arms and she runs and jumps in them as I swing her around when I hear Elena say (why are u with her ??? She fat !) I put Avery down whipping around (u watch ur rouge or I'll tear it straight from your mouth !)

Avery pov :

Hearing Elena say that hurt ! Really bad but I couldn't let klaus see it got to me I had to be tough (it's ok nik , it's fine ) klaus says (no luv ! It's not fine ! ) I walk up to Elena and look her dead in the eye as I snatch her necklace off her neck and (I don't think this belongs to you !) I put the necklace in my pocket and say this will be handy later )

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