Chapter 7: A Few Questions & Phone Calls

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A couple of seconds after that, Fiona, Snow, Sasha and Vaughn caught up with them....only to find them knocked out on the ground. They walked through the alleyway to see two identical twins kicking and punching Rhys and Bigby. "You..fucking...stupid..wolf!!!" Dee cursed as he kept kicking Bigby's side, harder and harder with each kick. Dum was knelt down to Rhys as he turned his body face up. He kept punching him back and forth in the face. Snow ran up to them and yelled, "What the hell is going on here?!" "Shit! Let's go, Dum!" Dee yelled as they scurried over to their car and drove off. Fiona tried to chase after them but quickly gave up as they sped down the street. "Shit!" she cursed. She walked back to the group with an annoyed expression on her face. Vaughn knelt down to Rhys' side and started slapping his face lightly. "Rhys. Buddy? You awake?" he inquired. "No he's not awake, dumbass," Sasha rudely said. Vaughn glared at her and looked back down at Rhys' knocked out, bruised up face. Fiona and Snow knelt down to Bigby's side and looked at his roughed up, gruff-looking body. "Hm...unconscious as well." Fiona stated the obvious. Snow stared down at his face and smiled. She didn't wanna admit, but she maybe had just a small crush on the Sheriff. It could never happen though. They're mere friends/colleagues and she'd like to keep it that way. Just trying to save herself from another broken heart. A few minutes passed and Bigby's eyes slowly opened. He woke up to Snow kneeling before him and smiling down at him. "You almost looked peaceful," she commented. "Yup," he said back as he rubbed his forward. "Except you're lying in a dirty alley." "Yup." "With a big bruise on the back of your head." "...yup." He continued rubbing his forehead in agony until a question came in mind. "Where'd they go?" Bigby asked. "Well after the one guy finished kicking you and the other guy finished punching Rhys-" "Explains the ribs.." he said, rubbing his temples. "They drove off in a car and left," Sasha finished. With that, Rhys became conscious again. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Vaughn, Fiona and a familiar blue figure kneel before him (yes im gonna put hj in this part as well FITE ME M8'SSSSS!!!). "Rise and shine, pumpkin! We have a world to conquer!" Jack exclaimed happily. He rolled hus eyes. At this point, he was really getting tired of this guy. Yeah, he worshiped him and adored him and maybe had a couple extra posters of him in his office for important, but holy shit he was annoying. "Woah, Rhys, you're bleeding," Vaughn said, raising his eyebrows. Rhys quickly touched his face with his human hand looked down at his fingertips. Yup. That was blood. "Agghh...what happened," he asked, rubbing his face as Bigby slowly got up and adjusted his tie. "We were beat up and then they drove off," Bigby said, looking down at me. The bruises and minor cuts stung with pain that the Hyperion wanted to cry. "Oh shut up, stop being such a fucking baby. Man up. Power through it!" Jack said, crossing his arms. I slowly got up and stretched out a little. "Guess we're out of options," Fiona said. "Dee mentioned the Trip Trap," Bigby said. "Then that's where we'll go. I'll call a cab," Snow said. "Alright, I'm coming with you," Fiona said, crossing her arms. "I don't need you to come along and hold my hand," Bigby growled. "Look muscle-man, we're in this together. We help you catch the murderer and you help us find the vault key," she reasoned. Bigby rolled his eyes and said, "Fine. But you three." He pointed at Rhys, Sasha and Vaughn and said, "You three head off to the Business Office. I'll haul a cab for you guys." Sasha nodded with a smirk and said, "Got it." (idk why she's smirking but oh well let's go with it)
Bigby, Snow and Fiona walked down the concrete sidewalk and saw a cab pass by. Bigby waved his hand and the taxi stopped as the man rolled down his window. "Good evening, Sheriff. What will it be?" Cryer asked. "Hey Cryer. Can you take us to the Trip Trap," Bigby asked, taking out a crumpled $5 dollar bill out of his pocket and handing it to him. "Sure thing, Mr.Wolf," he said. Fiona opened the door and got into the passenger seat. Bigby opened the door to the back and stepped aside to let Snow get in first. She crawled inside as he crawled in after her. He shut the door behind himself as Cryer started the car and began to drive. Boy, was Fiona tired. It's been a long couple of days. All the way from preparing for a con to helping out these..people..catch a killer. Things sure escalated quickly that week. All she wanted to do now was to rest for at least 10 or 15 minutes until they got to their destination. She grabbed the tip of her hat and pulled it over her face as she drifted off to sleep (oh yuss here comes the #snigbyalonetime) It was silent for a minute until Snow broke the ice. "Everytime I think I'm getting a handle on what's going on..things just get more complicated," she said. "It's like we're always a step behind." "The Woodsman is the only lead we've got..and he was one of the last people to see Faith alive. Getting some answers out of him will be sure to clear things up," the Sheriff explained. "I hope you're right." "Bigby?" Snow asked. "Be honest with me...who do you think..did it?" I leaned forward and rubbed my chin at the thought of it. Who did kill her? Could've been the Woodsman. He had the motive to. Could also be the Tweedles. There's just about them. Maybe it was Bluebeard? After all, he does have a history of cutting women's heads off. Or probably her pimp. Don't know why he would but maybe she wasn't bringing enough money in? All these questions pondered in my head until I finally made a decision. "Her pimp. Probably wasn't bringing enough money in and he just killed her then and there," I said. She nodded and said, "That makes sense." "There's still a lot of questions," Bigby responded. She looked away. And we're back to silence. He felt my body sweat a little bit from the intense, thick, awkward silence. You could almost cut it with a knife; it was so thick! So he tried to break the ice. "Thanks for yo-" "I wish there wa-" Their mouths gaped and their eyes widened as they stared at each other. They closed their mouths and looked away from each other in embarrassment. "Sorry.." Snow apologized. "N-no, go ahead. I-I didn't mean to cut you off-" "No, it's just.." she trailed off. Bigby looked out his side window with a worried look on his face. "Seeing all this today..there are Fables that are struggling worse than I'd imagine. We pay so much attention to the residents of the forget there's a whole community out there to serve," Snow vented. "To have to turn to...prostitution. I wish there was more we can do." Bigby just listened to her words with complete agreement and utter empathy for the mistreated Fables. "I never thought it'd go like this, but Crane does things his own way.." Snow said (okay let's pause right quick while I'm thinkin bout it but have y'all notice just how on fleak snow's eyebrows are? LIKE HOLY FUCKERY, THAT'S EYEBROW GOALS RIGHT THERE! snow makes me jealous sooooo much :/). "You're doing your best. It's all anyone can do." He tried to comfort. "Obviously you don't know what I do all day. Right now, I'm the gatekeeper. Making sure none of these..disenfranchised folks are, as he puts it, wasting his time," she explained.(crane is such a dick) "You'll fix it." Snow smiled at that (#tfwwhenthesnigbyfeelsaretoostrong). "I don't know. It's just a broke system. The Fables who walk in through the back door like Bluebeard..we have all the time in the world for them. You try and come in through the front door, through the proper channels asking for..anything, needing help..well....I turn you away," she confessed. Bigby looked at her with sorrow. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve anything of this. Having to turn Fables away and watch them go through pain and struggle. It was just sickening. Who put Crane as the fucking Deputy Mayor? "Now things are worse off then they've ever been," she said. "Well that's not true," Bigby replied. "Right, we've had it worse but..not by much. Maybe this isn't for me. I thought public service was..pure. A way to help," Snow White said. "You should stick it out. There are Fables that would give up a lot to be in the position you're in and I think it's easier to change something from the inside," the Sheriff advised. "You're telling me change comes from within?" she inquired. "Uh..sure," Bigby said back. "Not the kind of advice I'd imagine hearing from you," Snow smirked. Bigby smirked back at her and said, "I'm full of surprises." (especially in the bedroom lololololol) We eventually reached our stop as Cryer parked the car. Bigby looked out the window to see a pimp leaning up against a wall and a guy beating up a baby (I think that's what it is). "Maybe you and Fiona should handle this one," Snow advised. "Yeah..maybe we should," he said. He was about to get out of the car until he noticed faint snores. He tapped Fiona's shoulder twice and she awoke from her slumber. "Huhhmm? Wha?" "We're here," Cryer said. She sat up in her chair and stretched out, yawning. She adjusted her hat and opened the door. She got out along with Bigby. They were walking towards the entrance until they heard a "Bigby?" Bigby walked back to the cab and looked at Snow through the open window. "I um...just be careful..please?" Snow pleaded. "The same goes for you," he said. She smiled up at him. "I will." He stepped away from the taxi and watched the Fabletown taxi driver start the car and drive off. He walked back to Fiona. "Alright," let's go," Bigby said.
After Bigby, Snow and Fiona left, Rhys, Sasha and Vaughn went the other way in search for a taxi. Unfortunately, they couldn't find any. "Dammit.." Rhys muttered. "I guess we'll just have to walk there," Vaughn said. "Yeah, no shit, smartass," Handsome Jack said, rolling his eyes. Their hopes were lifted as they saw a yellow taxi cruise down the street. Vaughn quickly jumped up and down and waved his hand in hopes of getting noticed (Vaughn: senpai. senpai pls notice meh). The taxi turned and drove in their direction. The man parked the car. "Good evening! Where to?" the man asked. It wasn't the same ginger man as before, but hey, you get what you get. "Uhh, can you take us to the um...the.." Rhys said, trying to remember the name of the building. "The Woodlands?" Sasha asked. "Yeah yeah, the Woodlands. Can you take us there?" Rhys inquired to the driver. "Sure thing, pal. Just pay up first. $10 bucks," he said. Rhys groaned and pulled out a 10 dollar bill out of his pocket and handed it to the driver. "Rhys, buddy, you totally just got ripped off, man. Hell, taxis cost like 3 dollars per ride. At least that's how much it cost back up at Hyperion..." Jack said. I didn't say anything back. "Get in," the man said. Vaughn hopped in the passenger seat as Rhys opened the door to the backseats. He stepped aside. "After you, m'lady," he said in a fake middle-aged voice (basically game of thrones lol) (OOOO BTW THIS CAME FROM AN USUSED LINE OF RHYS SAYING "why thank you, m'lady" FKSJDJSAKAKAK). "Why thank you, my kind sir," Sasha replied with a smirk. "Really? Is that what you two are doing now? Jesus, boy's never gonna get laid," HJ said, raising his eyebrow at Rhys. "Shut uppp," Rhys whispered to him. "Nah, not today cupcake," Jack smirked evilly. She crawled inside and he crawled in after. Jack crawled in next as I reached over him to close the door (ok so Sasha is on right side of the backseat, Rhys is in the baby middle lolol and jack is on the left side of the backseat). The taxi driver started the car and began to drive. It was silent for a moment until Vaughn spoke up. "Man...this has been a crazy couple of days. It's like just a few days ago we were relaxed up in Helios and now we're in some planet trying to catch a murderer. Isn't that crazy?" Vaughn said. He continued talking as Jack said, "Oh my god, does this guy ever shut up?" "Do you?" Rhys whispered. The Hyperion ex-king paused for a moment and said, "Touché." "Yeah, it's been really insane," Rhys said, trying to contribute to the conversation. Sasha looked at Rhys (ooo) and asked, "What do we do at the Business Office anyway?" "I don't know. I guess we wait until the three of them come back," Rhys replied, shrugging. It went silent again. "Awkward...." Jack mumbled. "Hey Vaughn, what do you think is actually..inside a vault?" the Hyperion exec inquired. "Maybe your wildest dream? Like something you've wished for the most," Vaughn said. "Like that promotion. Hahahahhh, you thought you were gonna become the next me! You thought wrong!" Handsome Jack mocked as he laughed at his demotion to janitor. Rhys glared at him. "Yeah but what if when you get it, you....trip over a rock or something and you're like 'ohhh crap!'?" He asked. Vaughn turned his head to face him and gave him an "are you serious" look. "Okay, my wish is to not go into a vault with you," Vaughn said. After that, it was silent for the rest of the ride. When they reached the Woodlands, all 3 (4!!!) of them got out of the car and stood before the entrance. The car drove off as they walked through the doors. Just like before, they saw the sleeping security man at his desk. "Ah yes...that guy reminds me of what it was like back up at Helios. Just laying back and eating shitty pretzels as I watch all my workers take over Pandora for me. Good times..good times," Jack reminiscenced. We walked up to the elevator and pushed the button. The elevator doors opened and they walked inside. Vaughn pushed the button, making the elevator doors close and the elevator slowly ascend up. Handsome Jack crossed his arms and stared off into the distance. He was humming a little tune to himself. "Hm-hmmhmmhm-hmmmm....hmm-hm-hmhm- how long does this elevator take to move?!" he complained (try to guess what song it is he's humming lol). The elevator finally reached its destination and stopped. The doors opened as they strolled out of it and headed towards the Business Office. When they stepped inside, they were greeted by that same green monkey. "Mr.Rhys! Mr.Vaughn! Ms.Sasha! What are you three doing here?" Bufkin asked. "Hey, weehoo, you forgot me!" HJ yelled, waving his arms around. "Stop that," Rhys whispered. "Stop what?" "Stop waving your arms around like a maniac!" Rhys yelled. Jack rolled his eyes. "Rhys? Who are you talking to?" Sasha inquired. "'s's nothing." He tried to shrug it off. "Didn't seem like nothing to me," Sasha said, raising an eyebrow. "Don't worry about itttt," the Hyperion said. "Anyway....Bigby, Snow and Fiona went somewhere to take care of something," Vaughn answered Bufkin. "Oh okay," he said. "Just sit around and do whatever you like until they come back. Ooo! Do one of you mind helping me organize the archives?" "I'll help!!" Vaughn yelled with a huge grin on his face. The man sure loved books. "Nerd," Jack piped in. "Thank you," Bufkin said as he flew off to the archives with Vaughn quickly following behind him.
(I'M SORRY BUT I MUST! I MUST HAVE THE SEXUAL TENSION TAKE PLACE I JUST HAVE TO IT IS MY DUTY PLS FORGIVE ME) I sat on the edge of Crane's desk and crossed my arms. Sasha sat next to me and looked down. "So.." she said. "So.." I repeated. HJ looked at me and then looked at her and a sneaky grin appeared on his face. "C'mon cupcake...make your boss proud and make the move," he smirked. I looked at him with a glare on my face and turned back to Sasha. Sasha still seemed to have her Atlas Silver in tact (idfk know how but let's just go with ikik im a bad writer im sorry). She had it in her arms securely for protection. "So, that's the gun you found under the arena, right? Seem...pretty attached to it," I tried to make conversation. "Rhys Rhys Rhys..the Atlas Silver is more than just a gun. This is one of the most deadly and accurate guns ever," she informed. "It's practically a work of art." "Sure....I mean Atlas stuff is pretty cool but I thought Hyperion always beat them in the accuracy department," I said with a smile. Sasha smirked and said, "Oh yeah? This has a gen-locking system." "Ohhhhmygawd, that's so incredib- I-I mean that's...pretty cool.." I tried to sound uninterested. "This dude is such a fanboy. Why was I surprised that he's so obsessed with me?" Jack asked himself. "Yeah, I've been using it all day and it's good." "So that means..I..can hold it?" I asked. (FYI that is all unused dialogue from ep.2) "Sure, just don't go crazy or anything," the Pandoran said as she handed me the gun. "Not like you and my stun baton, right?" I joked (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) just wait till later on in the book coughcoughhinthintcough ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). "Hey look, I was excited. And the guy I was hitting was already dead," Sasha said. "She'll probably be even more excited once you show her that other stun baton of yours," Handsome Jack laughed. I swallowed embarrassment and didn't say anything back. "Aww, cat got your tongue, kiddo?" I quickly took my attention away from Jack and to the gun in my hands. I made a nerdy laugh and said, "Man, this is nice.." "You're gonna be the envy of all gun collectors on Pandora," I grinned as I handed her the gun back. "Yep. She's my new baby," Sasha grinned, taking the gun back. It went quiet again. "So when do you think Fiona and the two of them will get back?" Sasha asked. "I don't know. I wonder what the hell happened to the girl. Who could've done that to her?" I said, crossing my arms. "Somebody really sadistic and evil, probably," she replied. I looked over at Jack a little and looked back at her. "Hey hey, I'm not evil! All I was trying to do was bring order to this dirty planet!" Jack confronted, throwing his arms up in the air.
"Alright, I'll do the talking. You just get ready in case anything..get out of hand," I said before opening the door. "Don't worry, I got this. This isn't my first rodeo," Fiona said. I raised my eyebrow and opened the door to the bar. Holly walked behind the counter and noticed us walk in. Grendel looked over his shoulder slightly while holding on to a glass of alcohol. "What do ya want, Sheriff?" Holly asked, already irritated by my presence. "I'm looking for the Woodsman," I said. "Well he's not here. So I guess you can go now," Holly said, crossing her arms. Fiona and I looked at each other and I took a deep breath. "Look, I'm not even gonna ask where he is now, okay? I just wanna know the last time he was here," I said, walking up to the counter. "Who?" The troll asked, looking over to Gren. "I'm being nice. So try again." "Who's that lady in the fancy hat over there? Doesn't look like any Fable I know." She tried to avoid the question. "Stop changing the subject. Just tell me what I need to know and I'll be out of here faster," I said as I tried to find the patience to deal with this. "I'm Fiona," she said, putting her hands on her hips. "Is she a mundy?" Gren asked, still not lifting his head. "No." He shook his head and took a sip of his drink. "He hasn't been here for a few weeks," Holly said. She looked over at Gren and quickly changed her answer. "Well, no. Maybe. But yeah, he hasn't been here in a while if he's been here at all which..I don't know..." I could tell by the natural musk she gave off that she was bullshitting me. Good thing I had a strong nose like this. Practically a lie detector. "Don't let him tell you what to do. You're your own woman," I smirked. She frowned and said, "Well this is me talkin' Bigby.." The bartender leaned in close and said, "Fuck off." She grinned and leaned away from me. Fiona stared at the half empty cup on the table. "Who's is that?" She asked. "Someone who left," Holly answered. "Why didn't you dump it?" Fiona said as she crossed her arms. "If you want a cleaner place..feel free to get the fuck outta here," Grendel said rudely. "Wow. Attitude..." Ms.FancyHat (I HAD TO!!!!!) whispered. I chuckled a bit to myself until I noticed something on the counter. A matchbook. I picked it up and said, "A lot of these walk out the door?" "Yeah. It's called advertisin'" Holly said. I stared at her for a bit until I chuckled and threw it back on the counter. "Heh. You get a refund?" "Fuck you. The word's gettin' out," she said. I looked up at a photo clipped on to a string. The man in it had a red and black plaid shirt, a long beard and a bald head. Tell me that's not him. "He a regular?" I asked. "I don't know who you're talkin' abo-" "The one with the bald head and the beard," Fiona said (i love how even though Bigby said he'll do the talking, Fiona doesn't give a fuck and just keeps runnin her mouth lol). "Never heard of him," the troll bartender said. I smirked and took a seat next to Grendel. "Lotta stools in this place.." He growled. "But there's only one next to you," I said like a smartass (but??? Isn't there like a seat on the OTHER SIDE of gren wtf Bigby). "You gonna order something? Or are you just here to bother my customers?" Holly asked, glaring at me. Fiona and I looked behind ourselves in unison as the empty place. "You know what I mean." "Give us a Midas Gold," I said, smiling. "You want a lime?" She asked. "Sure," Fiona said. "'Cause I think they some at the bar down the street," Holly said as she smirked devishly at us. Grendel laughed at her comeback and took a swig of his drink. "You think that's funny?" Fiona glared. "Yeah. I think it's fuckin' hilarious," Gren said. " was alright," she said. "Come on, guys. We don't wanna be here. You don't want us here. The sooner you answer my questions, the sooner I'll be out of you-" I stopped right in my sentence as I heard a toilet flush. We heard a sink turn on and whistles afterward. "Who's in there?" Fiona whispered to me. "Probably just the man of the night," I smirked. A couple of seconds later, the door opened, revealing a heavily beared man. "Holly, you're out of paper towels in the...." He trailed off. We grinned at him. The Woodsman sat on the other side of the counter and took a sip of his drink. "Number 1 or number 2? For your sake, I'm hoping it was 2....otherwise you're probably shitting your pants right now," I said, grinning (that line made me burst out laughing omg). "You and me have been going out for hundred of years.....I'm through fightin'," he confessed. "Well, Woody....that makes two of us," I said. It went silent for a few seconds. "You're in luck. I decided to switch seats," I said as I got up. I was about to sit next to Woody until I felt a hand push my chest. Fiona leaned up against the wall and adjusted her hat. "Last guy put his hand on me ended up with an axe in his head," I said, looking over at Woody. "Last guy I put my hand on ended up in the ground," Gren said back. "It's alright, Gren," Woody said. He let go of my shirt and I sat next to the Woodsman. "It's funny..just a few moments ago, no one seemed to know who you were," I said. "Yeah, well everyone knows you...Big Bad Wolf. Hmhmm," he said. Fiona's ears perked up as her eyes widened (fiona: iz dis man da big bad wolfie? wasn't da big bad wolf kill? how culd i have ben so blnd? tree wurds in big bad wulf...tree corners in triangle...dis culd only mean.......BIGBY IZ ILLUMINATI!! -x files theme plays-). "Now I'm the bad guy and you're Sheriff. What kinda fuckin' world is that?" "Come on Woody. Why'd you do it? No bullshit," I said. "Same reason a lot of people do a lot of awful things," the Woodsman answered. "For money." "I'd walk past her place for weeks. She didn't look like it, but she had money. I was sure of it. And she wouldn't put up any kinda fight," he explained. "I was gonna rob her. And the night I finally get the courage to do it..there you are. Fuckin' things up for me," he continued. "What are you talking about?" I asked, confused. "Red Riding Hood..her grandmother....I was gonna rob 'em..but when I showed were already there....lying in the bed," he said. Fiona's eyes widened even more. "I only saved her 'cause I thought I was gonna get a reward. Bitch didn't give me shit. Except for people thinkin' I'm somethin' I ain't." (Oh just fucking wait for this LOL) I grabbed a glass and clashed it over his head, making him fall onto the floor. "I'm draggin' ya back to Woodlands!" I yelled. "For what? Jeez Bigby, that fucking hurt!" Woody yelled back. "Wasting my fucking time.." I mumbled. "Ouch.." I heard Fiona say. Grendel slammed his cup down and got up. "Stop! This isn't what I want!" The Woodsman yelled as he got up as well. "Oh shut the fuck up, Woody! Shit ain't just about's about this fuckin' lap dog. Come sniffin' around the place when the rich fucks need a shakedown. Ain't that right, Bigby?" Gren shrieked. "It's not like that. There are problems with the way things go: I get it!! But that's got nothing to do with what's happening right now," I defended. "Holly's sister goes missing; no one gives two shits about her. Paperwork, waiting rooms, and that bitch Snow White ushering me out the fucking door!" He yelled. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Fiona secretly flick out her mini-gun from her sleeve. "I wouldn't call her's happened before and it doesn't. End. Well," I threatened. "I didn't realize you were the bitch of the bitch," he smirked. I punched him hard across the face, knocking him on the floor. "Is that all you got?" He made a cocky smirk. "Seemed to be enough," I said. "Don't be so sure.." Gren said as he got up and slowly turned into a large, white (THAT'S RACIST!!! lol jk) monster as green mist formed around him. "Oh...good.." I said, narrowing my eyes. He stepped up to me and stared me in the eye. "Should've walked out of here when ya had the chance.." "C'mon, you're scaring the ladies," I said. "Oh, don't worry about me," Holly said as she morhped into a big, pink troll.
"Whatever you say, Hyperion boy," Sasha smirked. I was about to respond with something witty when I heard the door open and Snow walk inside. "Anything new happen? Found anything?" She asked. "No, Miss Snow. Vaughn was just helping me organize a few things," Bufkin said, flying down to Crane's desk. "It was soooo cool. So much new vocabulary; so many cool pictures. Man, I was in heaven," Vaughn said, grinning stupidly at me. The phone suddenly rang. "I'll get that," Snow said, picking up the telephone. "Hello, Woodlands' Business Office....Toad, what is it?.......what?! Another one?!...where?......okay.....whenever you're ready.." She said. She hung up the phone. "What was that all about?" I asked. "Another body was found," she said. "Ahh great, we're gonna be here forever," Jack groaned. We all looked at each other, speechless. "Who the hell did this?!" Sasha asked, shocked and infuriated.
Grendel grabbed Bigby by the leg and started throwing him across the room and slamming him on the ground. He slid him across the floor as he feet kept thumping with every step. Fiona pointed her gun at him and said, "Let him go!" Gren just chuckled at her and kept pulling Bigby until he got stuck. He looked behind himself to see Bigby in his wolf-man form. He tried to get up but got flung across the room. Bigby growled and licked his teeth as he got up again and curled him fingers. Grendel rushed him and he shoved his claws in his back and hopped over him. Gren fell to the ground as Bigby kicked him in his side. He got back up and grabbed Bigby and started to run towards the wall. The Sheriff stabbed his shoulder and went free from his grasp. He hopped on his back and clawed his face and eye. "Arrgh!!" Grendel yelled in agony. Gren shoved his back against the wall but the wolf man grabbed a pool cue and stabbed it into his shoulder. Bigby moved from the beast and busted his knee. "He's had enough!" Woody yelled as Bigby stared down at Gren in pain. Bigby looked at him and looked back at Gren. This was the point of no return. He stabbed his claws into his shoulder. "ARRRGHHH!!" Gren screamed. Bigby pulled his arm and shoulder away from each other and eventually ripped his arm off. "I'm the lap dog, huh?" Bigby asked, gritting his teeth. He grabbed his torn off arm and flung it across the room. "Here. Fetch." "YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!" Fiona and Woody yelled in unison. Bigby walked up to the counter and said, "Whiskey." Holly slowly pulled out a regular glass but was quickly thrown to the side. "Double." Holly grabbed a double and filled it up with whiskey. Bigby grabbed the cup and chugged it all down. When he slammed the cup back down, he was in human form. He looked up at the troll threateningly. "None of this...happened," he said. He saw out of the corner of his eye the Woodsman try to sneak out. "Don't even think about it." "Is this the sorta punishment I can expect if I let you take me in?" he asked. "Run, and it'll be worse." The door opened followed by the sound of a familiar voice. "Alright, I got a hundred bucks for the first blokes who can tell me something about a girl named..." The man trailed off. Tweedle Dee. Fiona and Bigby turned around and stared at him. "Fuck.." Dee said. Bigby walked up to him slowly with a smirk until he heard a few movements. He looked to the side with a grit of his teeth and saw the Woodsman try to run away. It was like time was slowing down (IT ALWAYS SLOWS DOWN DOESNT IT? ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE WAITING FOR JUNE 23RD HM HM HMMMGJSJAJAHSK). The Sheriff looked back over to Dee who was trying to run off as well. He growled loudly and threw his arms down. He ran after the Woodsman as the Pandoran grifter caught on and ran after Tweedle Dee. Bigby pushed and pinned Woody against the wall and pulled his arm behind his back. Fiona did the same with Dee (#bigbyandfionatagteamamirite). "Aggh!! You said you wouldn't hurt me!" Woody said. "You said you wouldn't run," Bigby said. "Fuck lady! That's not necessary!" Dee yelled. "Shut up!" Fiona yelled back. "Your brother won't be saving you this time," Bigby yelled as he walked the Woodsman to the door. Fiona crossed Dee's arms as Bigby handcuffed Woody. "I didn't do it.." Woody said. "Me neither!" Tweedle Dee yelled. "Then you two have nothing to worry about," the con artist said as she and the wolf escorted them out. Fast-forward, they go around the corner and see a big crowd of police men. "What's going on?" Fiona asked. Bigby didn't say anything back. He handcuffed Woody to the post and handcuffed Dee to the post too. "Do anything stupid and I'll throw you two down the Witching Well myself," he growled. They both nodded quickly. Fiona and Bigby walked up to the scene in confusion. They saw Beast run up to the side and being quickly stopped by the Mundy cops. They snuck under the tape and snuck past the cops. It was as if time slowed down (I'm never gonna stop saying that, FITE ME M8'SSSSSSS). Cops quickly noticed them and tried to run after them. They got closer and closer to the scene. Once they reached it, they looked over the cops' shoulders and saw Snow White's severed head. Fiona's face quickly turned to a big mixture of shock and confusion. Bigby's turned into a mixture of shock, heartbreak, anger, despair and just everything else.

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