Sniping Immortals

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Leon helps you up the rocks as you guys head towards the huge factory on this island. Leon looks through his binoculars, "That's a lot of busy bees. Let's avoid those spotlights."

You nod, "probably for the best."

Luis rolls his neck, "Listen, I'm gonna take a different way in to get the lab ready, you guys get to Ashley and meet me there." He hands Leon a map, "I've marked the lab on here for you."

You look at the map then Luis, "Where'd you get this?" He winks and then waves.

"Stay safe!" He disappears.

You look up at Leon, "Guess it's you and me again." Leon smiles slightly to you.

"Let's get moving then, partner." He winks and starts forward. You guys see some turrets ahead and head around them, turning them so you can get through. You stop at the merchant who's somehow here and then continue onwards.

"How does he keep appearing?" You mumble as you both head onwards, Leon answers with a shrug.

"As long as he keeps helping, I'll not question it." You chuckle, rolling your eyes. You guys head out and Leon snipes a few dudes. You try to sneak around but a huge dude with a pig on his face comes out. Leon deals with him as you take down a few guys by leading them through their own turrets. You sneak up on a few who are just staring at the scenery. You feel bad but know these dudes aren't there anymore. They're fully consumed by the plaga. You head back to Leon, who's still trying to take down the pig head, and he finally does as you come over with supplies you found.

"Wow, you're getting slow Leon, I cleaned out the rest of the dudes while you were playing with the pig." You raise a brow at him.

He glances at you and huffs, "He took all two of my remaining shotgun bullets and five handgun shots!"

You roll your eyes, "Could've just led him in front of a turret. They're dumb enough they just walk through them."

Leon sighs, "Why didn't I think of that..."

You chuckle and Pat his arm, "We can't all be as smart as I am."

Leon chuckles and reloads his guns, happy to see you found more shotgun bullets. You guys continue forward. Since you already changed the turrets you guys had a clear path forward. Leon shot down a few spotlights along the way and then you reach a metal door and head through. Leon takes out a couple more guys, having to take down a munching worm head dude.

Heading up the ladder you guys sneak up on a dude and Leon kicks him off the edge. You continue onwards taking out guys along the way, sometimes stealthily and other times just head on. You gather supplies for Leon as you continue onwards. Using your knife a few times when there is two guys standing beside each other and you guys would rather be stealthy.

You guys reach a section and Leon quickly snipes a dude with a rocket launcher out and then a few guys with crossbows. Continuing through small cave like places you guys gather some treasures and then head up an incline. You guys just taking down dudes left and right.

You and Leon work together like a well oiled machine at this point, barely breaking a sweat as you get into the lower part of the facility. You guys use the traps set up against the guys by making them trip them.

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