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Children hold more power over their parents than they realize. A child holds their parents hearts, or, SOULS, in their hands, and they can either crush it, or take great care of it, wether it's intentional or not. An example, if a child get hurt really badly in a way that causes mental scars, the parent could be hurt worse, thinking that they could've done better to protect their child, or if a child lives a life of prosperity, making their parents proud.

CQ knew this all too well.

Her eldest is suffering from a magic deficiency that causes him to be prone to getting hurt, and trouble breathing, and walking. His soul is down to 1/3, and is constantly trying to stop his younger siblings from fighting each other. He's like the step-mother of the two, for how much tries to make them get along and stop fighting, failing to do so. He would have some good days and some bad days, and those bad days were when his magic deficiency would cause him to have random pains, which last from hours to days.

Her second is, in a way, the stereotypical, forgotten middle child. His mother only really pay attention to him when he's in trouble, the only other time was when he had a really bad panic attack when he was still very little dude to being bullied, which also caused his magic to manifest, and whenever he crashes. Even though it's not intentional for her to be giving him this little attention, it still affects him, with his constant worry for his older brother, he results to violence towards the younger, as his mother is too focused on the eldest and youngest to comfort him and tell him everything is alright.

The child also suffers from Pixilation Syndrome, which causes him to constantly glitch and, when being pushed over his limit, causes him to crash and reboot, which is painful in itself, and that is the cause of other bullying him. It doesn't help that he has a slight fear of being touched by people who aren't his mother, older brother, and best friend, who practically forced himself onto the second child, and refuses to truly enjoy himself, preferring to always worry about his older sibling than his own mental health.

Finally, her youngest, who doesn't seem to carry any emotions at all, and it's what causes the second child to lash out on him. The youngest has learned to pretend to have emotions, but becomes confused when a certain situation happens, for example, the eldest would be in sever pain, and he would just sit there, unknown to the "glory" of worrying over him, and this would seriously tick off the second child. He's had moments of having emotions, such as the incident that happened at his oldest brother's friends birthday, when he was tripped, the youngest, for the first time, felt emotion, anger, absolutely PISSED at the person who tripped his already weak brother. It's been a long while since he's felt like that.

It was safe to assume that this family was filled with problem. What could be worse than all of this?


The second child sat in the corner of his room, hugging his stripped pillow tightly. He was crying in worry over his older brother. Earlier that day, his legs gave out on him, and he collapsed onto the floor, leaving him temporarily bedridden. The child didn't want to be in his brother's room, feeling a crash coming, so he grabbed his comfort pillow and ran out the room and into his room, where he chose the corner as his little hiding spot.

He muffled his already quiet sobs with the pillow, not wanting to be seen like this towards anyone besides his eldest brother. He trusted him more than anything in this already screwed up life of his, and doesn't want anyone else to see him so vulnerable, especially the youngest.

How much he wanted to punch him and tell him to screw off. Was it jealousy of not having to worry about his brother being at deaths door so many times? Or was it because he truly hated him for not caring about their brother's cursed condition? The child went with the latter. Even so, despite all of his hatred towards the younger, a small part of him still cared for him, after all, he is the youngest of the family, and his brother, though he will never admit it out loud.

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