Chapter 1

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Day In the Life Of:

Error waited in the waiting room of the hospital, playing with his fingers in anxiousness, waiting for his mother and older brother to come back from the room they were in. He was stuck babysitting for his little brother who did have a single emotion since brith. But then again, he was only 2 year old, so he can't really complain, maybe it'll change.

He looked up as both his mother and older brother came back, Error quickly slid off the chair and ran to his big brother, hugging him. He didn't even pay attention when his mom told him to be careful with him, he just wanted his brother.

"Gen-Gen, are you okay?" Error asked in his little 4-year old voice, looking up at him. Geno smiles and pat Error on the head, assuring him that he's alright. Error nodded but didn't let go of him, not even in the car or when they got home, he clung onto his brother like a magnet, afraid that he'll leave him if he lets go.

Geno didn't mind Error clinging onto him, he loved it when he did it, but he wished that it wasn't because Error was scared to loose him. Maybe one day, it won't be.


The feeling arose once again. The feeling of wanting to return home. A feeling in which he has no clue why he feels this way at all. For as long as he could remember, he's been in this white nothingness, being tortured constantly with the loud voices screaming in his head. How could he miss something he doesn't remember?

Error laid on the invisible and textureless floor of the Anti-Void, completely numb to the insults and the domestic abuse the voices screamed at him in his skull. He was completely tried of it all, he just wanted the break he feels like he deserved. He wants a break that the damned deity Fate will not allow him to have. He wants him to keep on destroying just so that his favorite child, Ink, the golden boy, could do whatever he wanted without worrying about the consequences. The spoiled brat of the multiverse. And despite Error trying his hardest to make Ink see that there is a balance in the multiverse that needs to be sustained, either Ink refuses to believe him, Fate messes with his memories, or Fate completely shuts him up by pulling on the strings that are tied uncomfortably around his soul harder and tighter.

Not only does he want his child to create to his hearts content, but he also wants his entertainment. Making him and everyone who he cares about and who care about him in return all suffer, and no matter what. Even if they were the slightest of hesitant while attacking him and questioning Ink's morals, they would suffer.

Swap was the first, and when he was released back to his old AU, everyone began to baby him, shelter him, and not allow him to do anything he wants. Honey does worry for his brother, but he doesn't shelter him like everyone else does, but he does unintentionally baby him. Before the kidnappings, Swap wasn't aware of the Resets, but after coming back from the Anti-Void with a slightly glitched out code, some things changed. The obvious one being that he remembers the Resets. This made Honey loathe Error, for good reason as well.

The DreamTale twins both suffered in their own way back when they were still very little. Nightmare was constantly told he was a monster and that no one cares about him while also being beaten and harassed constantly without mercy. And when he ate the apple, despite the sweet and addicting flavor of the apple, from what he described his transformation, it was as if he was burning in literal hell multiplied by one hundred. It was more than clear that he suffered greatly.

While Nightmare's physical and domestic abuse seems to be known within the gang and the Star Sanses, what no one ever knew was that Dream also went through a similar abuse, but only domestically. The villagers would always put pressure on him to be perfect, and that he was never supposed to feel negativity, and because of this, he'd bottle up his emotions and then run into the forest near the village to cry, only to put the mask back on and continue on as of nothing happened. As much as Error wants to help him, Dream has been unintentionally brainwashed by Ink, and despite the hesitation Error sees when he attacks him and the gang, he still fights them, so Error leaves him alone.

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