Whispers of Love's Untimely Encounter

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Our love began as a gentle breeze,When you inquired about my interests, with ease

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Our love began as a gentle breeze,
When you inquired about my interests, with ease.
Conversations sparked, new connections found,
Our similarities, a tapestry profound.

You struggled to express our deep connection,
Whispering, "I hope I'm not lost in admiration,"
The circumstances weighed heavy, we knew,
The air, laden with longing, our hearts anew.

Yet we couldn't turn away, eyes locked in gaze,
My heartbeat racing, a fervent blaze.
I wondered if you felt the same desire,
You confessed, your heart needed to retire.

Feelings bared, a vulnerable display,
You spoke with caution, to protect and sway,
Acknowledging fragility, delicacy in your view,
Love's dance required a careful debut.

You likened love to a flower 'midst the thorns,
A path unyielding, a ground that mourns.
But when our fateful moment drew near,
I glimpsed you, my heart quivering in fear.

I searched your face for that familiar gleam,
But found only changes, a shifting dream.
The sparkle had faded from your eyes,
Once filled with love's radiant sunrise.

My heart, foreboding, sensed the impending pain,
Yet before I assumed, I sought to explain.
For you believed in seeing the world through shoes,
And in that moment, my answer would fuse.

You spoke of parting, its inevitability clear,
Aching to hold me, yet consumed by fear.
But know, my love, if you truly desired,
We could have bridged the gap, love acquired.

I cannot fathom the depths of your thoughts,
A puzzle unraveling, love's ties in knots.
I was never a priority, not even a fraction,
Though we treaded the same path, no satisfaction.

Distance, you claimed, proved too hard to bear,
Yet I pondered if my presence was too much to bear.
Thus, I find solace in the tale of our plight,
Meeting the right person, time's cruel fight.

Destiny, it seems, played a fateful hand,
Our love a whisper, lost in life's grandstand.
But I'll cherish the moments, however brief,
For love's essence resides in memories, a lasting relief.

Little menace

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