Chapter 4

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As Ash and Misty arrive at Mt Moon, they see a scientist getting attacked by a group of Zubat. Ash throws a Pokeball at one of the Zubat and captures it. Pikachu then zaps the rest of the Zubat with a powerful Thunder Shock.

"Zubat, the bat pokemon, a poison, and flying type. While flying, it constantly emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its surroundings. This Zubat is level 10 and knows the moves Leech Life, Bite, Astonish, and Leer".

Upon further investigation inside the mountain, it appears the Pokemon living there have become agitated because some humans set up lights in the caves. Ash, Misty, and Seymour the scientist follow a group of Clefairy to a Moon Stone. 

After stopping Team Rocket from stealing the stone, some of the Clefairy evolve into Clefable and Ash points his Pokedex at the two species of Pokemon.

"Clefairy, the fairy Pokemon, a fairy type. It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon".

"Clefable, the fairy Pokemon, a fairy type. A timid fairy Pokemon that is rarely seen. It will run and hide the moment it senses people".

Ash and Misty then emerge from Mt Moon and arrive at Cerulean City. 

Ash and Misty walk into the Cerulean Gym and see the 3 sensational sisters who are the gym leaders. Misty then reveals that she is the fourth gym leader. Ash and Misty get into position and begin the battle. 

Ash sends out Pikachu and Misty calls out Staryu. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu glows with power and shoots a bolt of electricity at the Staryu who dodges. "Staryu, use Psychic!" Misty called out to her Pokemon. Staryu uses Psychic, knocking Pikachu to the ground.

Ash recalls Pikachu and sends out his Zubat. As Zubat begins to attack Staryu, he glows and evolves into Golbat while Staryu evolves into Starmie. Golbat finishes Starmie off using Bite. Misty recalls her fainted Pokemon and walks over to Ash. She congratulated him and handed him the Cascade badge. 

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