School fight

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Clara, 16 years old
Melody, Clara's twin, 16 years old(in the same school)
Brian, Clara's brother, 34 years old(ER doctor)

Clara's POV
I totally hate math. I mean, my teacher is awful and he doesn't give a shit about kids.
Thank God for Melody, my sister, because we are in the same class and she keeps sending me messages about a girl who was in a big scandal. I totally love drama, especially when I'm bored out of my mind.
That girl happened to be my worst nightmare, ever since she destroyed my lemonade stand in third grade, she kept bothering me. Once, she even threw a glass of juice over my books.I don't know what made her so angry at me.

My thoughts were intrerupted by another note:
So she just ran away from the party, taking Noah with her. Can you imagine?

Well, she was humiliated in front of a lot of people. I wrote, and not seeing that my maths teacher was watching, I gave it to Melody.

"Miss Clara! Unacceptable! You have detention!"


Well, that's it for gossiping in class.

Soon, the bell rang and I got out, trying to get to my locker. When I opened it, a note fell on the ground

Meet me in the girls bathroom.

I wonder who sent this, because I didn't recognize the writing. I decided to go.

Near the bathroom, I noticed a group of girls whispering, but I didn't think much of it.

When I entered the bathroom, Maddy was there. Yes, the nightmare girl.

"Hi there, troublemaker!"


"I think you own someone an apology"

"For what?"

"Oh, don't act so innocent, bitch!"

Oh, no. She really is mad about the party incident. Apparently, she was making out with a boy(Noah) in one of the rooms, and her boyfriend walked in. I know she wants to invent something so she can get away with it.

"I saw you kissing my boyfriend" She said, and the group of girls gasped

"I-I did what??"
"You really think I wouldn't find out?"

That was a complete lie, and I know I wasn't doing anything trying to defend.
I started to walk to the door.

"Where are you going? I'm not done!"
"Well, I am. Live me alone"

I opened the door and started to run, but two hands quickly grabbed me. I tried to escape them, but I couldn't.

"Is that all you've got?" Maddy laughted

I threw a punch at her face, but she dodged it. Then, I started to go for the legs and I managed to get her down. I wanted all to be over, so I walked to the stairs, wanting to get to my history class.

Just as I put the leg on the stairs, a hand on my back pushed me.
I fell all the way to the ground.

I immediately felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and the floor was spinning. I closed my eyes trying to make everything stop. But I couldn't.

"Clara! Can you hear me? Are you ok?"
A voice spoke to me calmly and I tried to focus on it, rather than my pain.

"M- my shoulder i-is in p-pain" I managed to say with my teeth clenched

"Someone get Melody here!"
Now I recognized the voice. When I finally opened my eyes, my history teacher was beside me.

"Oh my God" she said in a state of shock

"Melody, calm down, she needs to get to a hospital and you're coming"

"Clara, can you stand up?"

"I think so, but I need help"

Four arms grabbed me, lifting me up. I managed to stay on my feet, and a pair of hands was on my waist and back, making sure I don't fall.

"We're going to the hospital with my car"
"Ok, but please hurry"

My shoulder was in immense pain and all I could think of was Maddy. That girl should be exmatriculated.
As if was hearing my thoughts, my history teacher said he will talk to the principal to kick her out. It was awful what she did.

Soon, we arrived at the hospital and I was transported by a male nurse in a white hospital bed.
He told me to wait a couple minutes until a doctor was available.

After 5 minutes, I heard footsteps. Melody got up from the side of the bed to see who was coming.

"Hello, I am your doctor and-  Clara?!?" He stopped talking, obviously shocked to see me.


"What happened? Why are you here? Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"I got into a school fight and my shoulder - I think is dislocated "

"Let me have a look at it"

He gently removed my shirt and looked carefully

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" He said concerned, looking me up and down

"The only pain I feel right now is in my shoulder and it kills me"

"Alright, I'll give you some medicine and call someone to help me put your shoulder back in place"

After 2 minutes of talking, a young woman entered the room

"What can I do?"

"This is my sister, Clara. She has a dislocated shoulder and I need help putting it back"

"Ok, close your eyes, you will feel a stabbing pain for a second, but then the pain will be gone" Brian said

I embraced myself and after counting to three, he put my shoulder back, while the young woman kept my arm and back still. That definetely hurt a lot, but after it the pain was mostly gone.

"You ok now, Clara?" Brian looked at me.

"Yeah, just a bit lightheaded"

"That's normal, but I would like you to stay here for a day to make sure you are fine"

I ended up staying, and after an hour, my parents stormed into the room concerned, but Brian assured them that there's no need to worry.

Maddy no longer came to the school, so I guess I'm safe.

Well, obviously, the mean girl's name was Maddy. Or should've been Karen?🤔

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