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Before the story, I want to explain something.

This Story have some minor Fanon style things. (Which is to story going.)

The arts in story are not belongs to me.

Murder Time Trio technically have 4 person on their group. Which is Horror, Dust/Murder, Killer and Insanity.

Insanity is only came up when one of the person of Murder Time Trio group down, which is Horror. (Think like Insanity is back up person. + Horror technically strong in strength but weak at abilities.)

There's nothing related ships. (Which is Fanon/Fandom ships.)

Horror mind's a bit more better than others. (Like, he can think better than others and cheer them, when they have some issue about their past he can help them with it.)

Now enjoy, about the Prologue!



The Murder Time Trio fighting against hunan in last corridor, but human was too stronger than them. Horror was barely still alive after the damage he get. When Horror fighting about death and live, Insanity also get damage from human. Dust and Killer realize they both need to take care of Insanity and Horror because if they death, they will more weak against human. Dust teleported to killer left side and says:

Dust/Murder: "Get them out of here. I handle the human." dust said.

Killer look at Dust and says:

Killer: "Are you insane!? They can kill you!" killer said. "And yet you already tired. What happens If, When I save them but you out of magic!?"

When they talking human attack them but Dust made a wall of bones to stop them. Then he use blue magic and human goes far away from them. Then he spoke again:

Dust/Murder: "You're right. But we can't let them die, either. Your the one fast enough too, save them." Dust said.

Killer doesn't want to do it, but he has no choice either. He nodded and then start to run against Horror and Insanity. Killer only have a one teleportation magic left on him so he need to use it careful. When he got Insanity, human try to attack them but Dust was quicker then them, and he summoned three Gaster Blaster to stop human. Human backward and killer got a time to save Horror. When he reach about the Horror, Horror look at Killer and he realize a big slash coming from Killer and Insanity back. With the last magic he has, he stood up and before he threw his hatchet:

Horror: "Killer... GET OUT OF MY WAY!" He yelled.

He got Killer out of his way and threw his hatchet to slash attack. But it was too late... When he threw the hatchet, the slash attack already near to them. Hatchet can't stop the attack and for last use of his magic, he get front of Killer and Insanity to protect them. The slash attack hit him and Horror fell to ground. Killer look at Dust but when he look at him, Dust was out of magic. Horror was having his last second before he turn into dust. He shouted to Killers name:

Horror: "Killer... *cough* *cough* Get... Get Dust and Insanity out of here." he said.

Killer listen him and then, he take Dust and Insanity out of the Last Corridor. Horror was looking into the ceiling and, he remembering the good old memories he had with his life. The time he along with Papyrus and Aliza, the time they fight with Star Sanses, when they eat dinner, and when he help them with their problems. He smile for last time, when coughing blood. He said his last words:

Horror: "See you... On the other side bro... Aliza... And lastly... My Best friends." he shouted to them and then he lost his conscious.


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