Chapter 3 - It's A New Day On Gensokyo

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(I was on break. Sorry for not uploading.)

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Think with(')
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Now enjoy!


In Horror and others New house on Gensokyo.

Dust POV

A new day has begun, I was wake up early on our new home. Then I start to take a walk on outside. When taking a walk on outside, I was came to lake that looking misty. I start to head to a tree then sit on ground with backed my back to the tree. I was thinking of the things happened to us. We through a lot of thing, murdered our friends, murdered innocents life, became a Slave of a octopus of negative feelings, and now we're in place called Gensokyo. When I thinking, I sense some people in front of me. The Gap Lady gave me one of my old power, named as Karma/KR. And also gave me a 'Sense' ability that if a person or people watching or attack me, I can sense them.

(As I know, Canon Dust has lost his KR/Karma ability. Which is the normal dust, not the True dust or Fanon.)

???:"Hey, Dai. Isn't this skeleton from yesterday?" a voice said.

???:"I don't think so, Rumia. This one clotches are have dust, but the other one has not." another girl said.

Dust:"If you talking about horror or Insanity, I'm not them. I'm just their friend." I said and look at them.

They look at me with a shock and the green hair girl talk:

???:"O-oh if we wake you up, we sorry mister skeleton." She said.

Dust:"No need to sorry. I was awake already. just on thoughts, that's all." I said and continue."Names Sans but, like the others I use my nickname which is 'Dust'. Who are you kids anyway?" I ask.

Daiyousei:"My name is Daiyousei, but people call me, dai. I'm a fairy." green haired with ponytail girl said.

" green haired with ponytail girl said

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Rumia:"My name is Rumia. I'm a Youkai, that 'eating humans'." The yellow haired girl said.

" The yellow haired girl said

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