Chapter 4 - They Have Been Found...

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In Horror and others house...

3rd person POV

Horror was reading a book named as "mastering your healing magic". As he reading the book, front door gets knocked and Horror stop reading book to open the door. As he open the door, Dust was shown up but he looks sweating.

Horror:"What's wro-"

Dust:"WE NEED TO HIDE!" he yelled.

Horror:"Why?" he ask.

Dust:"There's no time for it! Found Aliza and Papyrus and hide!" he said.

Horror doesn't understand anything at all but if this is really serious as Dust said, he try to found them. He found them in Aliza room and hide them to basement. He teleported right next to Dust in front of door and ask:

Horror:"Why did you want me to do this?" he ask.

Dust:"Ink, Dream, Blue and Error is here..."

Horror:"Wait... I understand Ink, Dream and Blue. But why Error is here?" he ask with confusion.

Dust:"You know, he said we are anomalies and he's job is destroy us. Which is meaning, he will found and-"

Error:"Destroy all of you!" he yell and used 5 Gaster blaster to shoot their house.

Horror made a big wall made of huge bones too, protect the house.

Horror:"Good to timing, I learn some new ability on the book." he said.

Horror use some words and regenate some magic of dust. Dust was suprised for this.

Dust:"Wow... That book is really useful dude." he said.

Horror:"Yep. But I think, i need to use some big weapons against this, glitch." he said.

Dust:"You mean, your true weapon?" he asked.

Horror:"Yep." he confirmed.

As wall disappeared, Error look both of them but they doesn't there. As he looking around, he hear a summoning sound on air, he look to air seen Horror with a huge axe style bone. He was nearly missed Error but with a summoning gaster blaster, he landed on it.

Error:"What!? YOU SHOULD NOT ABLE TO USE THAT!!!" he yelled.

Horror:"Too bad. Thanks to the lady, I recovered my abilities and get stronger." he said.

Error:"I don't know, who is that woman but i'll be sure that, she's gonna-"

Yukari:"She's gonna, what?" she said on a gap.

As she said that, a traffic sign hitted Error's top of the head and he smashed to ground. While Yukari landed to ground and she saw Error was knocked out.

Yukari:"Well, that was amusing." she said with disapointment.

Dust:"Okay, I'll go to help Killer and Insanity." he said.

Horror:"Wait, others are dealing with Inks?!" he asked.

Dust:"Don't worry, dude. Killer was able to defeat Ink. He at least defeat him few times." he said.

Horror:"What about Dream and Blue?" he ask.

Dust:"Insanity. I don't think, i need to explain." he said.

Horror:"I guess. Let's go, we can't lose more time." he said.

Yukari open a gap for both of them and they were next to Misty lake. They see that, Killer and Insanity finished Ink and others.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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