Chapter 27

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Wait... What?

Shocked, I stare at him, my heart pounding like a relentless drum. He takes a slight step back but his eyes never waver from mine. I swallow, getting lost in the honey-glazed eyes staring back at me. Unbiddenly, my gaze drops to his lips but I quickly take it away, refusing to be drawn to the allure of them.

H-how is that even possible?" I stutter out and he groans, shrugging.

"It just has. This is why I've been avoiding you. I don't know why, I don't know how all I know is that this is how I feel and it is very uncomfortable... Excruciating even. Until I can figure out what to do about it, I'll be staying away from you." He states and I almost feel disappointed.

With that, he pulls away from me and a strange feeling of emptiness overwhelms me. Almost like I didn't want him to leave. His hands reaches up, softly grazing his neck as he stares at me.

"Now that you know, can I leave for work?" He asks and I nod, feeling heat rise to my cheeks as I see the intense look in his eyes, my mouth dry. He lets out a wry smile, moving further away. My body itches to call him back but I hold my ground.

"Don't worry, I don't have a plan of doing anything to you. Unless you allow it, of course." He adds and I pause, stunned. With a wink, he turns around and leaves the house, leaving me standing there in shock and wanting.

Wanting what?

I have no idea.
Now alone in this huge house, I have enough time to sort out my thoughts and the attraction I feel whenever Devon is around. With his admittance things are going to be even more weird between us. Still, the most shocking thing is my reaction. The fact that I didn't feel disgusted by it. Instead, I wanted Devon to give in. I wanted him to touch me. It made me wonder, Just how touch deprived am I?

I sit on the edge of the bed, letting the cool sheets touch my skin. I ran my fingers over the fabric, feeling the softness. I closed my eyes, imagining Devon's lips on me. His touch would be gentle but firm. His hands would be warm, and I would feel alive under his touch. I quickly open my eyes, not wanting myself to be too far gone in the sensation. Letting out a groan, I fall back on the bed.

First, he thinks I'm beautiful, helps me with my panic attack and he's the only one who I have managed to sleep around, something that has never happened for the past fifteen years. Now he's telling me that I'm the first person he's been sexually attracted to after a long while. My heart is racing just thinking about it. This is all so new and terrifying. Too bad we already signed a contract that keeps us away from each other and I genuinely don't want to complicate things between us.

Surprisingly Devon's attitude towards me doesn't change. Almost like the admission didn't happen. Although it still gets awkward whenever we are alone or close to each other, he'd managed to find a way around it. A development I discover I don't like.

I've been craving more of his presence since his kiss and had even begun to have dreams about that special moment. It has both excited me and filled me with bone-chilling dread and I realize just how hard I'd fallen for Devon. Still, I play along, resolving within myself that this would be much better than having to open up, only to get needlessly heartbroken.

This conclusion was what helped me breathe until this fateful day came. Devon was back home early from work and we had just finished making dinner. I secretly hope Emma wouldn't mind not having Devon on the dinner table but of course, she always has to thwart that hope.

"Dinner is ready. Why don't you call Devon to join us?" She asks, turning to me. I stiffen, unconsciously sucking my lips in.

"I don't think that's necessary," I murmur, arranging the cutlery on the table. She lets out a scoff, crossing her arms.

"Come on. I thought you already fixed whatever is going on between the two of you. Calling him to tell him food is ready shouldn't be that hard. Just get it over with," she continues. I pin her a glare but she just stares at me, unperturbed. Eventually, I let out a sigh, giving in.

"I'll call him," I mumble, walking out of the kitchen. I take the steps that lead to the basement and my heart starts to pound, my palms sweating. I've never been here before so this is unchartered territory for me. Steeling my nerves, I continue anyway.

I get to the only door at the end of the hallway and knock, waiting for a reply. When nothing happens, I knock again. Still no sign. Partly curious, I turn open the doorknob and the door opens, surprisingly. Taking in a deep breath, I push the door open and walk in.

My breath is immediately taken away with the sight that greets me and I pause at the doorway, admiring every inch of Devon's room. "It's a total man cave in here," I mutter to myself as I look around.

It feels like the entire floor is dedicated to him. Carefully divided, each section had a different function. There was an office, a private gym, another reading area with shelves stacked with books, and a bedroom. A bigger fish tank that takes up half of the walls with a window that oversees the backyard. One could spend weeks here without seeing the outside world and not even notice. It feels like I'm underwater and it's so relaxing.

I walk into the center of the room, admiring everything. My eyes catch on shelves filled with prescription glasses and another section for contact lenses. A small smile hits my lips. His eyesight must be really bad.

A door opens and Devon steps out from what I assume would be the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist and his body and hair dripping wet. Oblivious to my presence, he immediately walks to the nearest table and picks up the glass sitting there, putting it on.

I, on the other hand just ogle at him, my mouth going dry at the sight of Devon's wet but masculine body on display for me to see. He pauses right before reaching for the glass, turning in my direction.

"There's someone in my room." He mumbles, squinting. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, I realize I've forgotten what I came here for. Wearing his glasses, he peers at me, his eyes slowly widening.


Not Jessica slowly admitting that she likes him!
My heart! ❤️❤️
Please note: There will no longer be any updates starting from now till mid-june. Reason: My exams would be starting soon and this girl needs to prepare.
Until then, stay safe and much love!!! 😘😘😘

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