Chapter 36

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It's morning already, and after getting dressed for work, I notice Jessica stirring awake

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It's morning already, and after getting dressed for work, I notice Jessica stirring awake. Pausing slightly, I glance at her before walking towards her, watching as she rubs the sleep away from her eyes. She sees me and stills, a soft smile gracing her lips.

"Good morning," she whispers, curling into herself.

"Good morning to you too. How are you feeling?" I ask, and she shrugs.

"Listless," she mutters, and I let out a small chuckle.

"Always admired your honesty," I say, adjusting my glasses. She shrugs, running a hand through her hair.

"I have nothing to hide... Anymore," she adds the last bit rather quietly, a blush staining her cheeks. "Already dressed for work?"


"I should probably get out of here," she mumbles to herself before stepping out of the bed, picking up the blanket, and folding it carefully. "Should I keep this here?" She asks once she's done, glancing at me.

"If you want to," I tell her, gesturing to the entire room. She purses her lips before placing it on the bed. Walking ahead of her, I pull open the door and gesture out of it. "You first."

"Thanks," she mutters, her smile causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. I nod, following after her. We get to the living area to see Emma pacing around, panic-stricken, phone in her hand, and looking frantic. Jessica is the first to stop walking, her eyes wide with shock, with me stopping closely behind her. Emma turns around just in time to see us and freezes. Her gaze flies to Jessica almost immediately.

"I've been calling your phone all night! Why didn't you pick up!? You had me so worried!" She screams, charging towards her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice," Jessica tells her, sounding chastised. I just stand there, watching the scene before me. After glaring angrily at Jessica, Emma takes a deep breath and looks at us properly.

"Wait... You guys are together. You didn't break up? You're not breaking up?"

It's my turn to answer. "No, fortunately not."

"Oh..." She trails off, before letting out a sigh of relief, resting her hands on her knees. "Oh, Thank God! Almost gave me a heart attack there." Then snaps back almost immediately. "Don't you ever do that to me again! Do you understand!" She warns.

"We won't," we say in unison. Emma turns to me then, narrowing her eyes. "And you!..." She thunders, and I flinch. "I'll reserve my comments!" she seethes, folding her hands.

"How... Are you, though?" Jessica asks cautiously.

"I'm fine, now that I've seen the two of you together," Emma says, smiling wildly. Jessica lets out a gentle smile at that, gently caressing her hair. "I meant health-wise."

"Oh... Just a little bloated."

"A little?"

"Trust me, it's no biggie. The fact that you guys are not breaking whatever it is you have is enough stress relief for me. I'll go to school now, I'm already running late." Giving Jessica a quick kiss on the cheek, she turns around and starts to leave. "And yes, I have my meds, and I'll call you if anything gets serious! Bye!" She calls out, skipping out of the house, leaving us to watch until she disappears.

"I should probably make it up to her, don't you think?" I mutter to Jessica, who nods, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Yes, you should," Jessica replies. "She's rather mad at you," she says, her voice filled with mirth.

I glance at her, and a smile tugs at my lips. Leaning closer, I nudge her. "I'll be heading to work now. Kiss me goodbye?"


I shrug, placing my hands in my pocket. "I may have become greedy for your kisses since last night. I just need a little something to carry me on..." I start rambling as she pulls me in for a kiss, her soft lips brushing mine. Pushing me away, she glances at me.

"There, happy?" She asks.

I give her a lopsided grin, adjusting my glasses. I'll never get tired of her pulling me in and kissing me. Wrapping a hand around her waist, I pull her closer, savoring the feel of her body against mine and kiss her thoroughly. Leaving her slightly breathless, I place a kiss on her nose. "More than happy," I tell her and watch as she plays with my collar, desire and uncertainty swimming in her eyes. "I have to go now. I'll be home early." I whisper to her, my voice husky.

"Okay, I'll be here." She whispers back. Kissing her cheek, I let her go, walking out of the house, feeling her gaze on me.

The smile on my face doesn't leave as I get into the car. I bite my lip, willing myself to stop grinning. Get a grip, Devon. You still have things to do.
Hi there, Devon." Evelyn greets me, her presence commanding attention as she strides towards me, an enigmatic aura surrounding her. Suppressing the urge to yawn, my displeasure simmers just beneath the surface. "What's with the early meeting?" She asks once she's directly in front of me, her eyes glinting mischievously.

"Cut the pleasantries, Evelyn. You know I don't like it," I growl, my face contorting into a deep scowl.

"Why are you here then?" She inquires, looking up at me.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to inform you of a few things."

"Which is...?"

"I know you have dirt on Jessica, and I know you'll stop at nothing to bring her down, since that's how petty you are. But this is me requesting you not to make that attempt," I begin, wasting no time in getting to the point.


Straightening my posture, I advance towards her with the grace of a panther, my steps slow and calculated, my scowl deepening. "Because of what I'll do to you if you attempt it. Murderer or not, she's my wife, and it's my duty to protect her. Whether she killed your ex-husband or not is none of my business."

"But she is! And she deserves to pay for her crimes!" She yells at me.

"The day I find any media house or platform broadcasting it is the day I wipe you off the surface of the earth, Evelyn. Don't test me."

"You can't possibly do that, Devon. You-you're not that callous." She stammers as she starts retreating, her face paling with fear in response to my menacing demeanor.

"Oh, you'll see. You'll be surprised at how callous I can be when someone hurts something that I care about." As I draw near enough to stare her down, I lean in closer. "This is not a warning, Evelyn. It's a threat. The day it happens, consider yourself extinct." My words seethe through gritted teeth, and I see her flinch, her mouth opening like a carp, but she's unable to get words out. "This is the last time. Stay away from me and my WIFE. Do you understand?"

She blanches further, her eyes widening in fear. For a long time, no words are uttered, and I revel in the silence. "Your silence says you do. I'll take my leave now. Have a great day," I say, walking out of her apartment without a backward glance.

Thanks for reading!!!
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See you in the next Chapter!!

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