Chapter 15

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Jessica Franklin is a woman shrouded in mystery

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Jessica Franklin is a woman shrouded in mystery. That's the thought that has been running in my head ever since she moved in. Not like I'm planning on figuring her out although I admit, I have been curious about her. First, she gets all defensive, then aggressive, and the most surprising would be the apologizing part. And she's always on her guard, keeping her distance, the way it should be.

Other than the time that I caught her unguarded at the back of the house, staring at the fish pond with a dazed look on her face when she lashed out at me, I've never seen her show any emotions. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was keeping her part of the deal by not interfering in my business. Except it wasn't... At least, that's what my mind told me. It was something much deeper but I refuse to delve into it.

The last time we'd spoken, was on Wednesday when I'd given her additional information and afterward, our conversation had drizzled to greetings only. The only person who interacted was Emma and when I did talk to her, Jessica's watching gaze was always on me. It gave me the creeps. I've lost count of how many times I was close to snapping by asking her why she kept looking at me like that. I'm starting to second-guess my decision for even choosing her.

Today was the date and I had started to grow nervous about how I would be left alone with her for the next few hours. Questions had been swirling in my head but I couldn't back out now. I closed my mind to the doubts and focused on the task at hand. Arriving home, I drive my car to the carriage and park it, staying in it for a while, taking deep breaths. I was yet to get a new driver. That had to change soon. Temperatures dropping and rain would be more frequent now. Once I felt calm enough, I pick up my briefcase, step out of the car, and went to the house.
Calling my driver to be on standby, I push open the doors and walk in.

I meet Emma in the kitchen poring over books, her brows wrinkled in concentration as she studies with earphones in her ears. Sensing another presence in the room, she raises her head and her gaze lands on me. "Good evening my sister's husband." She greets me when she catches sight of me. She seems to have to stick with greeting me like that and I have no plans of dissuading her from it.

"Good evening to you too." Glancing up the stairs, I add. "Where's your sister?"

"Oh, she's getting ready for your date. She should be down any minute now."

Great, I still have some time left before I see her.

"Should I go tell her that you're around?" Emma offers and I immediately shake my head.

"No, thanks. I'll just go get ready. I'll be out soon."

I enter the room, have a quick change of clothes, and pull out my contacts, watching as the world blurs. Normally I'd wear glasses after a long day using contact lenses but I can't. I dip them into a new solution to clean them out and rearrange my hair. Cleaning out my eyes, I wear back the contact lenses. My vision returns and I'm seeing myself clearly in the mirror. If I could, I would avoid seeing my ex and mother for the rest of my life. But they would ruin my life if that happened and it's about time I put them in their fucking place. Repeating that several times over in my head, I finish dressing and step out of their room.

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