Chapter 54

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Rated 18+🔞🔞🔞. Explicit content ahead. Please skip if you're uncomfortable.

Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande
Into you by Ariana Grande
Lips On You by Maroon 5
Swim by Chase Atlantic
Into it by Chase Atlantic
Enjoy reading!

I step out of the bathroom, my heart racing in anticipation, threatening to escape my chest. My fingers tug at the hem of the translucent night-gown and lacy robe that I have on, the sexy dress doing a terrific job of hiding nothing. It's a simple set, nothing too extravagant unlike the gowns I was used to, yet I've never felt so self-conscious in my life. The soft fabric brushes against my skin, and I try to shake off the nerves that are threatening to consume me.

Pushing the door open and walking in, I notice the shift in the air as Devon gazes meet mine, his eyes slowly widening as he stares at me. I swallow, the gulp sounding like a roar in my ears as I return his stare, blood rushing to the surface of my skin. Although we'd seen each other naked so many times, I've never had the luxury to be scrtuinzed like this. For a moment, it feels as though the air has been sucked out of the room. Devon's eyes darkens slightly, and I can see a myriad of emotions flicker in them. Desire, surprise, and something that looks suspiciously like awe, his body tensing. My cheeks flush under his intense scrutiny, and I instinctively cross my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling exposed. Did I do too much?

He blinks once, rising to his feet and walking towards me. I force my gaze to be on his, feeling my heart race and fingertips tingle as he comes closer. The corner of his lips tugs up into a half-smile, and I'm relieved to see warmth in his eyes. "Wow," he breathes out, his voice a mixture of admiration and desire. "You look stunning." He groans, his voice low and husky.

I gaze up at him, feeling desire spread around my body at his words. Um, thanks," I manage to reply, mentally scolding myself for my lack of eloquence. Smooth, Jessica. Real smooth.

"Absolutely ravishing." He adds, his voice dropping even lower, a hand reaching out to pull me closer. It's like he's seeing me for the first time, really seeing me. It's a heady feeling, and I can feel my cheeks burn even hotter. I part my lips slightly as I stare at him, the itch in my body intensifying. I need this man to kiss me immediately. One hand wraps around my waist though he doesn't pull me closer, a hand caressing my face. Devon's hand cups my cheek, his thumb brushing lightly against my skin. I lean in into his touch, licking my lower lip, an act that doesn't go unnoticed by Devon.

Desire and lust flares in his eyes, and his hold tightens on me, his scent and heat making my head go light. "You're trembling." I note as I run my fingers down his face, avoiding his lips.

"Hell, I am." He growls, his lips hovering before mine. "Gosh, I want you so much right now." He adds, his eyes dark and zeroed in on me.

"Then do." I mutter back, pressing a finger against his lips. "We've held back for too long. I can't wait anymore Devon."

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