~Chapter 14~

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Kionroar launched forward. He wrapped his paws around Pytrostar and they rolled around. Pytrostar, being older, was stronger than Kionroar and slammed him to the ground, "Trying to stop a punishment eh?"

"You'll never lay a paw on her!" Kionroar hissed. Pytrostar growled and they were rolling around again. Both lions refusing to show weakness, or signs of exhaustion.

Pytrostar pinned Kionroar on his back again, "Let's see what happens when I do this!" Pytrostar raked his claws down Kionroar's face.

The Pride stared in shock. Ranileaf screamed, "Kionroar!"

Kionroar's left side of his face was bleeding. But one part was deeper than the rest. Two cuts above his left eye, that leads down to one below his left eye.

Pytrostar laughed, "Scarred-face! Just like Half-face!"

Half-face was outside the nursery watching, and she was angered. She roared and tackled Pytrostar down.

"No!" Eelblaze threw Half-face off of Pytrostar.

Kionroar stood up, his left eye closed. "Try fighting with that!" Pytrostar laughed. He looked around him. The entire RoarPride was surrounding him. Claws unsheathed and teeth bared.

Kionroar growled, "Pytrostar, you're exiled." "You can't can't that! I'm leader!"

"They can't. But I can."

Everyone looked around them, confused.

Icecub squealed, "Look! Up there!" Harecub, her brother, looked up as well, "It's a lioness in the sky!"

The Pride looked up and gasped. The lioness had stars coating her fur and her body looked like she was glowing from the inside. As she walked down, a mist of stars followed her.

She stood infront of Pytrostar.

Pytrostar stared at her, "Nightcloud?" She glared at him, "I feel ashamed to be your mother. Pytrostar, I personally exile you from the RoarPride!"

Pytrostar growled, "Fine. But this isn't the last you'll see of me!" He ran out of the hollow.

Nightcloud still stayed, "My son never appointed a deputy, so we have no replacement as leader. So, I'll make one myself. Shimmersight."

Shimmersight's eyes widened, "Thank you! I won't let the pride down."

"I know you won't. Shimmersight, at the night of the half moon, you will go to the Moonrock," Nightcloud explained. "After, you'll come back and appoint a deputy."

Shimmersight nodded.

"What about the medicine lions!" Mapleshade asked. "Wishbounce is dead," Nightcloud sighed.

"What about Dapplepaw?" Anandaclaw asked. Nightcloud stayed silent, "I must go." Her body faded away.

The Pride looked at each other in confusion.

"Why wouldn't she tell us where Dapplepaw was?" Sahasistripe asked. Kionroar stared at the sky, "Something's wrong."

Everyone stared at him.

"What do you mean, Kionroar?" Ranileaf asked. "If Dapplepaw was okay, or dead, Nightcloud would have told us. Like she did for Wishbounce. But she said nothing for Dapplepaw. Which means-" Ranileaf cut him off.

"Which means something happened to him. And that he's still alive." Kionroar nodded.

Eelblaze limped over to them. He kept his front right paw off of the ground. Half-face nuzzled him, "We need a replacement for a Medicine lion. Just untill Dapplepaw comes back."

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