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The weather is getting cold day by day and the snow can greet us anytime. Freezing wind is blowing outside and yet my granny's house is so warm. It's been a week since I came here and her condition is way better. I am so grateful to Allah for giving me my granny back. My sleep got disturbed by my phone alarm which I did set for praying tahajjud so I got up and went to the bathroom to do my wadu. After doing my wadu properly I wore my prayer cloth and prayed tahajjud. I raised my hands after finishing my salah with salam and made duas wholeheartedly as tears started flowing down my face. All our good deeds should be for the seck of Allah and only him. The most merciful, exalted. I finished my dua by saying ameen and went to check on my grandma. She was sleeping peacefully Alhumdulillah. I put my hand gently on her shoulder and tried to wake her up as it was time for fajar. "Grandma wake up. It's fajar." She opened her eyes slowly and I helped her to get up from bed. She did her tayammum and we prayed fajar. 

After fajar, I started reading human body secrets and grandma slept. My second semester final was around the corner so the pressure was much. I don't know how but I still made myself found 6 hours for studying out of these busy times of the days. 

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for me, grandma and Ayesha. Yeah Ayesha will be staying here because It's Friday today. She usually comes after uni and stays until magreeb. We three women enjoy the afternoon tea very much by gossiping, laughing and walking in the backyard which was mesmerizing. We love having tea there and I am planning to set our breakfast there today. It's so cold so I set the fire in the fireplace and headed to the kitchen.

 It's so cold so I set the fire in the fireplace and headed to the kitchen

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 I placed the pan on the stove to make omelets and suddenly someone grabbed me from behind I totally freaked. "Hey buddy. Assalamualaikum." "Ayesha!!!" I shouted hitting her on the shoulder. "You nearly killed me. Walaikumussalam btw." She laughed while rubbing her shoulders and hit me back. "Ouch! What the hell man." "Why did you hit me?" "Because you scared the hell out of me." "There was nothing to be scared of. You knew I was coming and I have the spare key." She was right. I didn't answer and just giggled to annoy her. I loved to annoy my Ayesha.


Me and Ayesha set our breakfast in the backyard. The table was full of delicious, mouthwatering foods. We enjoyed our breakfast and then had our tea in the living room. After eating, we went to the kitchen. As Ayesha was doing the dishes so I started making launch and grandma was reading a book of Nouman Ali Khan (Her fav Islamic researcher) sitting on a chair of the kitchen table. I started marinating the chicken for chicken biryani and then made some beeftikkakabab and cold yogurt salad with purple and green cabbage. "Hmmm!! smells so good." Ayesha said in a cheerful voice, and I smiled at her. "Yeah. My daughter is a wonderful cook, her husband would be so pleased with her as she can cure anyone with her excellent cooking. Thanks, my child," Grandma muttered smirking at us. Ayesha busted out into laugh. I ignored her and replied to grandma ignoring her second sentence "Anything for you my cute granny and you shut up Ayesha." "Whatever you say, boss." She said dramatically looking at me and I rolled my eyes at her in disgust. She will tease me later I know. 

I kept my dishes aside and headed for the dessert (which is rice puding). We took shower and performed our duhor salah together. After launch we had our dessert which was pure satisfaction.


Currently I am cuddled on my bed wrapped with numerous thoughts because tomorrow is my weeding. Ayesha was asleep beside me as she was so tired and she has weak immune system. I felt grandma by my side and felt her fingers through my hair. Her warmth was something I needed right now. I slept on her lap as all my worry went away by her touch and I trusted her more than I did myself. 

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