New book - Prologue

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The cries of people are so loud and hurtful that even the weather seems to cry with them. It happens every time the enemies attack, it hurts to lose loved ones, but my baba used to say, "When you want something you have to work for it, earn it. Anybody can want something but not everybody can achieve it. Your willpower and hard work, the rest is Allah's wish." Every time I used to listen to it with full attention because my baba's eyes used to shine while saying this. He also said, " Never cry for other's sins, Mayra. Our tears are too precious. Allah gave tears to us not to waste it." Then he gave me an example. "So, listen Mayra. If I become Shaheed someday. Never cry for your Shaheed father as it is the greatest achievement one can have but yes, you can take revenge of your father's death and you can cry after that to Allah and pray for me." Then I asked him, "but baba what if I become a Shaheed?" My father laughed and put me on his lap. "You will never be harmed as long as I am breathing. Remember my doll, if you want to be a Shaheed, become a solider, kill thousands of those enemies who disrespects our lord and Prophet and kills innocent people. You can't be Shaheed before that because you are my life. My beautiful little doll and for that you have to grow up. Now eat. come on."

The shinning eyes are deemed now. Staring at the sky without blinking. The huge body is lifeless on the ground. He was protecting me. That general wanted to kill me. He was saying he liked to kill children. But baba fought with him. After killing him he was passing me to a solider so that he can take me to a safe place but an enemy solider hit him with 10 arrows in the back while he was carrying me. I shouted but my dad was saying the Kalema shahadat and then he was gone. Tears came in my eyes, but I held them with everything I had. Not a single tear escaped. I sat in front of him like a stone. I pushed my hands with the remaining strength I had and closed his eyelids after taking a last look at those fierce eyes which always had the warmth and love I wanted. The only ones. Suddenly the hairs of my body stood, and a strong power came over me. My heart was aching to burst. I stood up and vowed, " I will kill each and every one who was involved in this. I will take revenge. Your blood will not go waste. My promise to your baba. A Muslim's promise. I will not die till completing it."

I don't know if it's destiny or not, but they haven't seen my face in this fog. The general is already dead. I have heard enough story to escape the Chirstian's eyes well enough form baba. I know a lot more about them than they know about me. That is a very big advantage. I am the general's daughter. Leader would soon arrive here. It is my chance.


After three days of wandering around the forest. Barely surviving on water. I went to their market. Luckily with Allah's will a Christian middle-aged lady took pity on me. The normal people were innocent except from those inside the palace. It is forbidden in Islam to kill innocent people, women, men and children. "Oh, my poor child. My Jesus blesses you. Look at you. Poor soul. Have you lost your parents?" I nodded and made a pitiful face. "Oh, my lord! Come with me you. I can't leave you like this." She was lost in thought for a minute or two. Then thankfully she took me with her. Yaa Allah. Give me strength and protect me.

Exactly that happened as I wanted; she was a cook in the palace. My plan is long term. I will keep my promise and have patience. First my plan is to join the army but they don't take females in their army. But Allah was with me and the chance came flying without me knowing. I became the priencess's attendance.         

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