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FOUR DAYS HAD gone by since Lady Stark left Winterfell. None would tell Aryadne why she had left or where. All she knew was that she felt watched wherever she went. She learned after the second day that her requests in the kitchens for Bran's honey water were hastily rejected, and she could no longer walk anywhere without someone ten paces behind her. She was a suspect, though for what she could not tell.

Worst of all, Robb would not speak to her. His eyes followed her as they passed in the halls, but not as they used to. Now he viewed her with the same suspicion as everyone else. She had made up her mind — as soon as Bran woke, she would arrange for her return to King's Landing. There were no friends there but it was far more bearable than being ignored by the only one she had.

She wandered along the corridors alone, though not truly. A glance over her shoulder confirmed the presence of the Starks' arrogant ward, Theon. He hastily stopped to adjust a tapestry. When she moved on, his footsteps followed again. They quickened once he seemed to realise that she was heading for Bran's room. "Your Grace?" he nervously called after her. "Your Grace! You— the maester's looking for you."

Her patience was on its last straw. Turning sharply, she raised an eyebrow in challenge. "Is he indeed? That's awfully convenient."

"'Convenient', Your Grace?" He scratched the shaggy, mousey brown hair at his nape, feigning innocence that she did not believe for one second.

She indicated towards the door. "Because the moment I approach Bran, someone comes rushing in to distract me. Maester Luwin hardly speaks a word to me anymore. So what is it? What's the great secret that you cannot share with me?"

In the silence that followed his failure to reply, she heard muffled voices through the door. Her determination to know the truth was too strong. Pushing into the room, she stopped quickly at the sight of the young boy lying in his bed, his eyes open. "Oh, thank the Gods! Bran, you're awake," she gasped, rushing to his side.

He blinked up at her in confusion. "You're the princess."

"Yes," she laughed through tears of relief. "I found you at the bottom of that tower. I would not leave until I knew you were well. What happened?"

"I'm sorry." His response was slow and weary, his attention drifting to the person stood behind her, whom she had passed without so much as a glance in her haste. "I've told you already, I don't remember."

Relief blossomed at her first sight of Robb. It was soon replaced by confusion as he took her by the arm and gently but firmly led her out of the room, shutting the door behind them. At a glare from him, Theon made himself scarce.

She attempted to pull herself free. "What are you doing? Get your hands off me!" His apparent anger faded a little but he did not move. "Unhand me at once, you arsehole!" Punctuated with a sharp push against his chest, she managed to make him take a step back. In order to prevent herself from feeling guilty at the look of utter surprise on his face, she seethed, "How dare you treat me in such a manner. I am your princess!"

His eyes were wide and fixed on her. Then, clearing his throat, he tried to explain it, though his voice was harsh and unfriendly. "I'm sorry, all right? I am sorry for wanting a moment alone with my brother."

"That I can forgive, but did it even occur to you that I might like to know?" It didn't take much for her to realise, just his own regret seeping into those blue eyes. "How long as he been awake?"

"Come on," he scoffed. "It's not as simple as that."

"Of course it is. Have I offended you in some way? Is that it?"

The very suggestion gained an immediate response. "No, of course not."

She hesitated, smiling sadly. "That may be the most honest you've been with me all week. I will not accept any more lies, I am sick of them. It has been days and I still cannot understand why your mother left. I cannot walk from here to there without someone watching my every step. I grew up in the Red Keep. Do you truly think I don't know when I'm being watched? If I am your prisoner now, at least have the decency to be plain with me about it."

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