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They had not been walking for much longer before her pleas for rest were heeded. At the top of the hill, there was nothing below but fields. In the distance, she spied a farmer's cottage. If she screamed loud enough once they neared it, someone might come to her aid. Until then, she would have to save her energy. Jaime's hold on the rope did not slacken as her body crumpled upon the ground. She could feel him watching her as she laid back, drawing in long, wheezing gulps of air. Her lungs burned and her body ached.

She could sense that he wanted to say something. When she eventually looked to him, however, his attention was not on her face. Following his stare, her heart dropped at the realisation that her cloak had fallen open, revealing the soft curve of her belly. It was not overly noticeable yet, but the thin fabric her nightgown betrayed such changes. Quickly sitting upright was a decision she regretted as her head began to throb.

"You're..." He could not find the words.

"Yes." Aryadne sniffed quietly, rubbing her face, her eyes burning into the sloping grass below them. "At least, it seems that way."

Like her, it was clear that he was slowly beginning to piece together every symptom he had witnessed. He sat down beside her, his shock making it a heavy impact. "But— But you're just a child."

For the first time in months, she felt it. The quiet allowed her to think and she realised just how small she was. How scared. How lonely. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she hid her face against them. A smile pulled at her quivering lips. "And I was 'just a child' when I had to run from my own family. This is your fault, too. You made me Father's only child. Every claimant will want me dead because I might bear him a grandson. That is why I married Robb, for his protection. In doing so, I had to offer myself for the very purpose that marked me for death."

He sighed in exasperation. "I can't return to King's Landing without you."

In a desperate attempt to convince him, Aryadne grasped onto his arm, shaking him. "If you take me back, I will die. By Joffrey's will, or Stannis's... or anyone. Let me go home. I promise, I won't tell anyone where you went. I shall give you as much time to escape as I can. Just swear that this will remain a secret. Give me some more time. Please, Uncle. Do this one thing for me." Only when he gave a small nod did she relent, throwing her arms around him. "Thank you! I— Thank you," she sobbed.

Hesitating, he rested a hand on her back, his lips pressing against her forehead. "I'm sorry, Little One. I never meant for you to get dragged into this mess."

They stood together. Jaime helped to steady her, beginning to loosen the knots around her wrists. A streak of grey came upon them before either could utter another word. It knocked into him.

Yelping, she fell back. The wolf was immense, stalking towards him, sharp fangs bared. His paws dug into Jaime's prone form. "Wait," she tried. Nothing. This time, she managed to raise her voice. "Grey Wind, stop!"

And he did. Though he continued to growl, a paw pushed threateningly against her uncle's chest, no further attack was made.

More people reached them. The soldiers, led by the towering imposition that was Dacey Mormont, hastened to surround Jaime. Another helped her back up, making quick work of her tied wrists. She took a moment to recognise the knight's watery grey eyes and long face. "Olyvar?"

"Do not fear, my queen. You are safe now," he promised her, offering the stag necklace and then slinging her arm over his shoulder.

"Is she hurt?" Without waiting for a reply, Dacey brandished her morningstar.

"I am tired, is all. He did not harm me. And you shall not harm him, either." Grey Wind came to her side and began to examine her in a series of anxious sniffs and nuzzles. Patting his head, she sent the soldiers a sharp look. "Do I make myself clear?"

The Way Of Winter  |  Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now