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THE GROUP SET OFF early the next morning. Despite her attempts to refuse, the other two healers insisted upon riding together, allowing her one of their horses. She rode at the head of the party alongside Talisa, with Mirac scouting a little way ahead. Though she had only known her for half a day now, Aryadne could not help but admire Talisa. She was witty and intelligent in a way that engaged her rather than seeming intimidating.

"Where did you learn the art of medicine?" she asked, fascinated already with this girl's life and knowledge.

"I am mostly self-taught, though after plenty of nagging, I managed to convince my parents to send me to university when I turned sixteen. It was an experience, to say the least. One I would have continued, were it not for the allure of travel."

She frowned to herself, playing the word over in her head a few times. "'University'? What's that?"

Her initial expression was incredulous, though not directed at Aryadne. "Westeros certainly has its differences," she muttered. "University is a place, a school, for young people. You can often stay there and receive wisdom from the best of their profession. Volantis was the first of the Free Cities to establish one. It has been there for, what, three centuries?"

It sounded almost too good to be true, Aryadne thought. She wished she could have had an education like that. "And... they allow women to attend?" she curiously enquired.

"Of course. We are not as highly regarded as men, but we can do so much more than before."

A disbelieving grin came across her face. "Like what?"

"Well, first of all, they passed a law some twenty years ago allowing us to stand in Triarch elections — those are our leaders. Dowries favour us more than our families. Girls have been able to attend school for a hundred years or so, though our opportunities stay mostly the same. We still have far to come."

"'Far to come' is better than going nowhere at all. I fear that little changes in this place. I am nothing and I will continue to be nothing for all of my life. That is simply the way of things."

The road was smoother here, and Aryadne was grateful for the cushioned saddle. She had gotten the feeling that there was something these people had not told her. They were equipped with fine fabric, the knights with golden armour and swords. Either the Free Cities were rolling in riches unimaginable or they were more important than they let on. She couldn't be upset about it, considering the hypocrisy of a former princess judging wealth.

She cast her attention to the sky. Thick trees rose on either side of the road, framing the blue expanse. A bird circled over head, flitting away and diving down into the forest. In the distance, mountains rose. Another few miles and they would pass into the Westerlands, into Lannister territory. The thought made her sick.

"For a Westerosi girl, you seem to have received a fine education yourself, have you not?" she noted.

"Not exactly." Talisa took her hands from the reigns, drawing her silky hair into a braid. Her eyes locked with Aryadne's and she raised her eyebrows. The girl awkwardly added, "I was taught to read, but mostly just fairy tales and poetry. Apart from that, I took on the fascinating arts of needlepoint, knitting, sewing and gardening, as well as tutelage in how to run a household so that I am prepared for the day that I'm inevitably married off to some ugly, old man who will only touch me when we are expected to make him heirs, or if he has the inclination to strike me."

The Way Of Winter  |  Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now