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ARYADNE'S HEADACHES ONLY WORSENED. She knocked back water like wine, her glare set on the road ahead. It swam before her, a meandering vision that doubled and blurred. This had happened a few times in the past month, though never so bad. It was relentless.

Through the haze of her mind, she replayed her and Robb's parting moments. It had been a day. The very idea of having this child had frightened her but, somehow, without him there, it was even worse. In the past several months, they had rarely been apart. His presence was comforting. The pain in his voice had been unforgettable. Gods knew when they would see each other again. If he survived the battle and she the ordeal that lay ahead, the war still kept them apart. It was strange, how she didn't realise how much she wanted him there until he was gone.

The others were singing travelling songs. Beside her, Olyvar chuckled to himself as he drove the cart. It did not seem long ago that he had been her husband's anxious squire, scared of his own shadow. Though he was still young, there was a confidence about him. Even the greyish complexion he had in common with the rest of the Freys had warmed somewhat. With his grey eyes and dark hair, he could almost pass as a Stark. He caught her eye and raised a brow. "Do you wish to join in, Your Grace. Singing might improve your condition."

"Yes, I'll be sure to try once I no longer feel like fainting," she muttered. Noting the bitterness in her tone, she grimaced. "Sorry. I am not at my best." She felt another kick strong enough to send her doubling over, gasping for air. Surely her insides were black and blue from how restless the baby had become. "Actually, can we stop? My legs need a stretch."

They had barely stopped before she climbed out. Groaning, she stretched her aching back. Another sharp sensation forced her to grip onto the side of the cart. Murmurs reached her past the ringing in her ears. "Aryadne?" A squeeze of her shoulder prompted her to open her eyes. The blur before her took on the shape of her anxious mother-by-law. "Aryadne, are you well?"

She could not tell how convincing her smile was. Her face had become a little numb. "Yes, yes. Nothing to worry about. He keeps kicking my bladder. I think I need to—"

The next sensation was different. No longer was it the punch to the gut that she had become used to, but something else, a tightening across her abdomen, intense one moment and gone the next. Grey Wind padded over to them. He poked his snout through the opening of her cloak, sniffing at her legs. She tried to push him away but was met with a whine. Catelyn's focus fell too, down just below her bump. Her thighs felt damp all of a sudden. A slow trickle reached down to her ankles and pooled beneath her.

"Stay calm."

"What is that?" she asked nervously, pulling at the fabric of her dress to see the stain, her belly too much of an obstruction now. It carried no smell that she was familiar with. "What just happened?"

The woman offered a thin smile, squeezing her shoulder. There was something unsettlingly direct about her gaze. "Listen to me, Aryadne."

"I don't understand. What— What is it? Is my baby all right? Am I hurt?"

"Listen." Her voice commanded silence. "I need you to remain calm and do exactly as I say. Do you understand?" Once she saw a timid nod, she continued, "There is nothing to worry about. Your waters have broken. Do you know what that means?"

Aryadne had a fairly good idea. Feeling herself grow dizzy again, she could do nothing but nod again. It was only half-true. She knew it meant something was going to happen, something she did not know enough about to discourage the terror that had already begun to creep into her.

"It means the baby is coming sooner than expected. All of my children were wilfully early, so I can assure you, it is far from concerning. Though, I expect it must be a shock. Sit." She and Olyvar worked together, lifting the shaken girl back onto the front seat of the cart. Everyone was watching now, but Catelyn's eyes never left hers. "This is your first. That means we have plenty of time. The worst of it won't be for hours. Where can we go?"

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