Chapter 1

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We start this story with a boy walking down a street with a long look on his face.

The boy's name is Izuku Midoriya and he's been through a lot today. First, he went through the normal. Go to school, learn something new, get bullied by his classmates, and go home.

Now you may be wondering why he's getting bullied. Well, that's because he lives in a world where most of the population possesses a superhuman ability called a quirk. 

The majority of the population in the world is either born with one or not. Unfortunately for Izuku, he wasn't born with one. As a result, he gets taunted about not having one. As a result, this would cause him to get bullied, even by his own friend, Katsuki Bakugou. 

Bakugou and Izuku always played heroes and had dreams of being heroes as well—they where both good friends until Bakugou got a quirk and Izuku didn't. Katsuki began to look down on Izuku and start to beat the poor kid until now. Although Izuku was quirkless, this didn't stop him. When he turned 12 he began to work on his body so he can be physically stronger. But it still didn't help against the beating Bakugou and his goons would give him every day.

Now that we're done with the boring shit, let's get back to the current events. 

After experiencing that in school he decides to take a long way home. Just for him to get attacked by a villain. Which was bad at first until a hero came and saved the day. 

But it wasn't just any other hero. It was one of his favorites, Marvel. Izuku asked Marvel if he can be a hero without a quirk. 

Her answer was no. 

Izuku later continues his walk home feeling more depressed. Thats until he heard a noise from the plaza. He ran quickly to the scene to see what was going on. Somehow, it was the same slime villain that attacked Izuku a few hours ago, but this time, it seems he found his prey. But this prey wasn't just any random human. It was


Now Izuku had two choices, get his revenge and let the kid die or be a hero and save the kid. Take a hard guess which option he picked. Oops, too late, he made his decision already. Izuku went running full speed towards the scene and turned to pull Bakugou out of the slime. Of course, he was getting shouted at, he didn't care, he wanted to be a hero just like the great legend All Might. While trying to save Bakugou, Marvel came in clutch and punched the slime villain into pieces and save both Bakugou and Midoriya. 

Now here we are, at the sidewalk Izuku was standing at. 

"DEKU!!" Shouted Bakugou. Izuku turned back and prepared for the bullshit he was about to hear.


"No problem..." Izuku said as he continued to walk home alone.


or not.

"Uh? Marvel?! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be talking to the media?" Asked Izuku 

"Nah! I ain't worried about them. Now I cam here looking for you........."

"Izuku Midoriya." 

"Midoriya, I would like to apologize for what I said back there. I was foolish to say you couldn't be a hero. After what you displayed back there, you showed that you are a hero." Said Marvel with a smile. 

Izuku then began to smile at Marvel's words as a tear rolled down his eye. 

"Aww, don't cry now. I haven't gotten to the best part." 


"Izuku Midoriya. Would you like to inherit my quirk?" Asked Marvel


"This quirk I possess was passed down to me from the previous user. Eight strong-willed people wield this quirk to their fullest and now, I think it's your turn to make this quirk your own." Said, Marvel

"Wait, why me? Why not someone else with a quirk?" Asked Izuku 

"Well, that's because you showed the people that you have the will of a hero. A true hero to be exact. You went out there to save that boy even though you were quirkless." Said Marvel. "So... What do you say?"

"Yeah! I'll accept it!" Said Izuku with a smile. 

"Alright! I knew you weren't going to reject it! Meet tomorrow morning at Takoba Beach at 8!" Said Marvel 

"Okay. Well, do Marvel!" Said Izuku

"Also, when we are together, call me Nana, alright?" Said Nana with a thumbs up.

"Okay, Nana." 


Izuku and Nana are now at the beach and discussing the quirk One For All with each other. 

"Alright, first things first. With this quirk being some sort of stockpiling quirk, it isn't going to be easy to control. You need to be physically strong in order to wield One For All!" Said Nana

"I think Im physically strong..." Said Izuku 

"Really??? Prove it!" Said Nana. Izuku looks around and sees a washing machine and picks it up with his bare hands. 

"Is this strong enough?" Asked Izuku 

"Hmmm..... thats perfect! None a lot of people your age can't lift up a washing machine. Alright, now that step one is done, on to step two! "  

Nana pulls out a piece of hair from her head.

"Eat this." 


"What? You need to contain some of my DNA in order to gain One For All." Said Nana 

"Isn't there another way?"

"There is. But you don't want to go there." Said Nana

Izuku grabbed the hair and pops it in his mouth. 

"Alright for the next ten months, you'll be learning how to use One For All with the help of your true, Me!" Said Nana 

Izuku looks at the ocean and cocks his fist back. 

"Hey, Midoriya... what are you doing" 

Izuku thrust his fist forward as a large wind gust blows into the ocean. 



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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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