Chapter 4 '"Birdy!"

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A week has passed since The 100 landed on the ground. Octavia has been trying to figure out who Clarke's mysterious wife is, but has just been unsuccessful. "Come one Clarke just one hint!" Octavia begged for the millionth time.

"No I'll tell you later it's not important right now" Clarke responded in a calm voice although she was very annoyed by Octavia's constant begging. "Of course it's important I mean you have a child with her!" Clarke rolled her eyes "Try to find out by yourself it's not like I'm trying to keep it hidden." Octavia smirked "I'll find out by tonight thanks for you suggestion, bye!" Octavia ran off and Clarke rolled her eyes.

It was getting dark soon so Clarke and Lexa were getting ready to head back home when all of sudden a pod comes falling into the earths atmosphere. Clarke and Lexa looked at each other than nodded. They headed towards where we saw it land and ducked behind a fallen tree. They saw a girl climb out that looked to be about 5 and a half feet tall, brown hair, a red jacket, and brown eyes. Can anyone guess who this is? 👀

Clarke and Lexa decide to approach the girl as she looks harmless. They sneakily walk up to the girl as she had her back turned to them see did not she them approach her. The brown haired girl turned around and saw the married couple. They scared her and she jumped making her almost trip over a stick but she caught her balance "Nice to meet you?" She said questioningly

Clarke smiled at her letting her know they were harmless. "I'm Clarke" She said and held out her hand "Raven" the brown haired girl said and shook her hand. "Do you know any of the 100?" Clarke questioned and Raven nodded "3 people"

1 week ago on the drop ship: Raven had been told to meet Abby in a closed off room which was weird but she still agreed. "Mama G you in here?" Raven asked when she made it in the room "Yes over here" Abby called and Raven follows her voice. Raven found her and she was standing next to a pod that had to be over 100 years old.

"I need your help" Abby said and Raven raised an eyebrow "Ok.. so what's with the pod" Raven asked "That's what I need you help with" Abby explained how they sent the 100 down to the ground (Raven already knew that but pretended to be surprised) and that included Lilian who Raven had become close with, ever since she started hanging out a lot with the Griffin family after her mother died. And then she explained how she was gonna use the pod to the ground which Raven agreed to with one term that she could come too which Abby agreed to.


Abby gave Raven a week which is all she needed and a week later the pod was ready to go. "Alright Mama G it's ready" Raven said with a smirk but there was a banging at the door "Abby I know your in there and I know what your doing is illegal you have a minute before I break this door down." Kane said "Can you get this thing ready to go in a minute?" Abby asked and Raven shook her head "For this thing to take off and hold both our weights I'd need at least 5"

"Alright well go in the pod, get it started if I'm not back in 5 minutes go without me" Abby said and Raven nodded and got in the pod. 5 minutes later Abby still wasn't back which worried the black haired girl. She opened the pod door and yelled out "Abby are you coming" to hear nothing but Kane yell "There's another one!" Which made Raven panic and jump back in the pod slamming the door behind her. She saw men coming and she pressed the launch button which killed the men in that room.

Present: "So who of The 100 do you know?" Clarke asked as they were getting close to the dropship. "Finn, Lilian, and Octavia" Raven answered "How do you know them?" Clarke asked curious on this girl knows her little sister "Finn is my ex boyfriend, Lilian and Octavia are my friends."

"So Clarke are you single?" Raven asked and Clarke shook her head "I'm married" "What about you fine lady?" Lexa shook her head "I am married also" Raven groaned "Why do you the hot ones have to be married?" Raven said and Clarke laughed.

They get to the dropship and Raven sees Lilian but Lilian doesn't see her as she had her back tuned towards her. "Hey Griffin!" Raven yelled which made Lilian turn so fast she almost fell over. "Birdy!" She yelled and ran towards Raven giving her a big hug. Clarke laughs at the nickname which makes Raven raise an eyebrow. "The nickname is quite hilarious" Clarke says with a smirk and Raven rolls her eyes. Lilian let's go of Raven and glares at her sister.

Octavia still doesn't know Raven is on the ground yet as she was busy training with Indra in the woods. Clarke told Raven where Octavia's tent was so Raven waited inside. When she heard foot steps approaching she got ready to greet her crush- I mean friend.

Octavia walked in her tent and Raven jumped in front of her "Boo!" She yelled and Octavia yelped and jumped but once she realized it was Raven her eyes widened "Raven?" Octavia said "The one and only Raven Reyes" Octavia pulled her into a hug squeezing her so tight she couldn't breath. "Octavia I can't breath" Raven said and Octavia loosened her grip.

"I'm sorry I missed you" Octavia said letting go of Raven. Raven laughed "I missed you too girl under the floor" Raven said which made Octavia cringe and roll her eyes. "Don't ever call me that again" She said giving Raven a death stare "I'm sorry" Raven said and pulled the younger girl into a hug.

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