Chapter Five: Taboo

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I started my period not long after Ansel left, a normal occurrence for a normal person. But I wasn't a normal person. And I hadn't had a period since before I'd turned two years ago.

What the hell?

I never knew why my periods stopped after being turned into a wolf. Grayson was a doctor and had ran tests off the books. What he found was that my body temp was ten degrees higher than normal and that my metabolism was supercharged. Other than that, everything else about my bloodwork was unchanged. He figured the changes to my metabolism were to blame for my missing periods, but it never explained my sudden infertility.

Growling, I rolled up a wad of toilet paper, and finished cleaning up in the bathroom. Once I was done, I started to call Ansel then stopped. What was I doing? I couldn't ask him to buy me pads.

I could go get them myself, but being around people during hell week--the week leading up to my change--always left my nerves frazzled. I was easily overstimulated, too sensitive to the sounds and smells of busy places like the store. But what other choice did I have?

Grumbling, I changed out of the running clothes I'd worn earlier that morning and put on a pair of jeans and a light sweater before slipping on my weathered Uggs and heading out the door. Snow pelted me in the face, a rare occurrence for Southern Tennessee, one that I knew wouldn't last. Normally, I loved seeing snow, but today I hated everything.

Hell week, meet shark week.

As if being a werewolf wasn't bad enough, now I had to deal with PMS, too? Lord help the poor soul who so much as breathed too loudly around me today. With the way I was feeling, I was likely to rip someone's head off just for blinking too much...literally.

Groaning, I climbed into my jeep and fired it up. I took the dirt road that led up to my cabin, then turned left to head towards the main road instead of the right turn that led to the lake.

My brain felt like it was buzzing with all the sounds going on, so I decided to turn on my stereo to drown everything out. Linkin Park roared through the speakers, and I happily screamed along to the lyrics.

Mr. Harvey's property was fenced in on all sides by ten-foot-high electric fence, with a huge iron gate as the only point of entry. And it could only be accessed with a six-digit code, which got changed on a bi-weekly basis. Not something you'd see with normal property owners, but I figured Mr. Harvey really valued his land. And that he must've been loaded.

Knowing that not just anybody had easy access to the area helped me feel better, and made it harder to leave at the moment. In here, the general population was safe. I didn't have to worry about flying off the handle at the slightest inconvenience. The wolf couldn't hurt anyone. I couldn't cause anyone else any pain.

That last thought made me stop twenty feet away from the gate, and I rested my chin on the steering wheel.

Before he died, Grayson did the shopping during my hell week. After he died, I made sure to plan all of my shopping during the safe weeks, and it made me appreciate and miss Grayson that much more.

I closed my eyes and sighed, mentally preparing myself for the trip out when a knock on my window made me jump.

"Whoa, easy." Ansel said, his voice muffled by the glass between us. "You okay?"

I rolled down the window, his scent nearly knocking me over. He just smelled too damn good! "I'm fine." I replied after clearing my throat. "Just going to run to the store real quick."

"I'm heading there myself now. Wanna ride together?" Ansel offered kindly.

I smiled, hoping it looked appreciative. But it was forced, and hurt my face to maintain. "Thanks, but I'm not going to be long. I only need to grab something from the dollar store."

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