chapter 3

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So my mum came around and said yes i could go to Hogwarts.Im so exited!I get to go to a magical school and csst spells and it just sounds amazing!Im going to go to a place called Diagon Alley on Friday,I hope i meet some class mates while im there.My mother told me about Hogwsrts having houses.Slytherin,Ravenclaw,Hufflepuff and Griffindor.She and my father were in Slytherin,so im most likr going ro be in that house.

She also told me about a boy named Harry Potter.He's known as the boy who lived and his parents were killed by a really evil wizard but she wont tell me his name.All she says is he-who-shall-not-be-named.This Potter guy is my age and is maybe going to school with me this year.

Since hes so famous and all,it seems hes probably gonna be very annoying about it.I dont like him already.He better not think im gonna be sorry for him causd his parents are dead.Mum was talking about another family called the Malfoys.She said they have a son my age and is going to school and i should meet him cause his dad and her were bestfriends when they went to school.
time skip(Friday)

I wake up to my mum banging on my door."Get up!" she yelled.I rolled lazily out of bed and changed into jeans ans a green t-shirt and pulled on an oversized dark green hoodie.I ran downstairs to meet my mum.

"So the original entrance to Diagon Alley is in London,so we are gonna have to get there.Grab my arm and come on." i grabbed her arm.She led me over to the fire place.Pulling out a wand she smiled and said something i couldn't understand and then we stepped into the fire place.Green smoke began to form around us and poofWe were in Diagon Alley!

Looking around i see alot of witches and wizards.Owls and other animals."Ok,You go get your school robes,wand and pet.Ill go get the rest.And here."She gives me a purple velvet sack and runs off.Inside was coins i have.never seen before.Great thanks mom now im going to look stupid.I decided to find the robe shop.I walk on to see a blonde boy on a stool and a lady fixing the bottom of his robe.

"Hello i assume you for your robe?Yes,come,stand here ill be with you in a second!" she says happily pointing to a stool beside to boy."First year?"The boy asked.
"Yes,and you?"
"Yea,Whay house do you think you'll be in,im going to be in slytherin."he said with a sly smirk glancing at me.
"I will also be in Slytherin,my mother and father were in it!" i say winking.
"Really?Who are your parents?"
" Terence and Bertie Higgs."
"Ah my father told me about your mother!I think we will be good friends i hope,Higgs!"he says doing this weird scrunchy nose thing."Ive got to go,see you aroud!"he says.

After she does my robes.I just hand her the pouch and she takes out what its worth and gives it back."Have a nice year at Hogwarts!"the lady says before i head out.I look for the wand shop.Its called Ollivanders.I walk in to see a boy with black hair.He has a wand and flicks it.A great wind flows around him then stops.The man said something to him but i ignored it,i was to busy thinking about the boy it the no!I never got his name!I know.his last name is Malfoy cause he was talking about his dad but..never mind,i might see him again.

"Excuse me?" the dark haired bou said."Oh sorry!"i said moving to the side."Its ok,your first year too?"he asked."Yea."
"Im Harry,Harry Potter!" he said putting his hand out."Hello im Ari Higgs."i shook his hand."So your the.Famous Harry Potter now are you,The boy who lived."i kinda hid my eye roll."Yeah..but dont treat me any different!"
"Why would i?"
"Well you know.about my mum and dad and..Oh ove got to go!See you later Ari!" He ran out the door.

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