How it happened. (1)

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When the princess was 15 years old, a terrible accident happened in which she lost all of her memories.

"Set the guards ready, they're coming to attack right now." The princess said, "But Princess, your father is at war with the Carvainians right now. We need his approval." A guard said. "I am the princess, next heir to the throne and you will send the troops to help my father. Yesterday I was your princess, but today I am your Queen and you will agree." ..

"Yes, Queen." The guard bowed and called for the troops to help the king. The war near the border of Nabiture and the Carvains Kingdom was getting out of control and the King went to fight. The actual Queen was visiting family and wasn't present. That meant the Princess had to control the kingdom and set everything right so they wouldn't invade.

The Princess was very smart and mature for her age of 15. She had everything under control until she had gotten some devastating news.

"Pri- Queen!" A messenger said, "_____ was found outside of the kingdom..unconscious.."  "What! What happened to her! I demand you tell me." The 'Queen' got out of her chair and walked up to the messenger. "They said one of the Carvains knocked her out while she was outside fighting and they dropped her off in front of the castle for a sign of 'we are coming and we're not stopping." The messenger said. The Queen was furious. She walked past the messenger and went into her room and closed the door. The messenger followed behind her and knocked on the closed door. "Queen, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing." The messenger said. The Queen didn't respond and a few minutes later she came out with a leather black outfit, that had a black mini skirt and a tool belt with gold along her outfit. "They picked the wrong knight to mess with and the wrong Queen." The Queen said, she walked back over to her throne and placed her crown and necklaces. And then she placed a rainbow-beaded bracelet that looked homemade with her name.

"Watch my stuff until I return. If I don't return and die or I don't return the same as I am right now, I want you to tell _____ that she was the best friend I could ever ask for and an even better knight. Tell her I'll always care for her and will be watching her in the night stars. And put all my stuff in my room and lock it up until my 18th birthday. There's something in there that I want my Father and Mother to see. I don't want anyone in that room if I don't return. Got it?" The queen said, "And especially, don't break that bracelet. She gave it to me, I don't want any harm done to it."  "Yes your majesty. It would be my honor to pass that down." The messenger bowed and the 'Queen' went down the palace stairs and threw the double doors of the castle.

The queen got on her horse, (which was named Lacey, she was white with a pink bow around its neck, remember that) , And rode all the way to the fight. When she got there, she took out her sword and was holding it up because it was surprisingly quiet. She walked through the forest and then heard the sound of an arrow. She ran back and saw Lacey, bleeding on the floor. She held back tears but kept moving forward. Again she heard another arrow and moved just in time but the arrow skinned her right arm a bit. She looked around to find who shot at her and then she heard footsteps. She turned around and swung her sword and hit a Carvain. She got lucky because she didn't even see who it was, It could have been her father. She kept walking and heard a cannon. She ran towards the direction and when she turned the corner of a tree, she started bleeding, and accidentally ran into a tree and got knocked out.

An arrow had hit her in her back and while she was starting to get dizzy, she got hit again in the shoulder and went into the tree, causing her to go unconscious. 

628 Words

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