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A/N: hey yall i got some 4hrs sleep only-😭

but im uploading for you all since i love yall<3 did you know my uncle died today..

so um idk but its really heartbreaking for me.

enough about me lets get on with the chapter.😀

Everyone gathered around the table, Guiding Light, started to do a roll call.                                                "Eyes?" "here."                                                                                                                                                                         "Screech?" "here, now can we eat."                                                                                                                              "Rush" "yes."                                                                                                                                                                            "Figure?" "here!" (why is he the only one thats excited idek-)                                                                             "Halt?" " I'm always here, what do you mean?"                                                                                     "Dupe." "I don't wanna eat this, I wanna eat someone, yes in the sexual way" "wtf" El goblino said. "Most likely you~" "I'm done bye" El goblino ran outta the room(tbh i would too😭)                  "Timothy?" "Im here." The little spider scrambled to the table                                                                           "Ambush?" "I'm sleepy."                                                                                                                                                  "Glitch" "Here."                                                                                                                                                                           "Jack." "Dupe's right, this doesnt taste right, I wanna do someone rn."                                                           "Jeff?" "Alive." (HE IS HOT- im sorry😭)                                                                                                                      "El goblino- oh wait he ran away."    "I'm sorry I'm back, but tell Dupe to NEVER say that again, he keeps targeting me😭" (poor thing)                                                                                                                         "Seek?" "Stop staring at me, Halt. You dic-"                                                                                                                "Hide?" "There."

(LOve how all of them are different, sorry El goblino💀)

"By the way, Seek and Figure, did you see my no-"  Rush was slapped by Seek "Yea, yea, just shut up, not here" Seek said nervously (istg all this man does is blush or be nervous). "Btw, i got pictures-" "TF YOU DID?" Seek said, really angry. "It's alright, Seek, let's talk about this with Rush later, Sit down for now." Figure tapped Rush and flipped him off, secretly. (HoT-aNyWAyS)  These people have issues. Rush thought. "Anyways, Lets start breakfast!, Take whatever you guys want!" GL said, "Dude, what happened, with Seek and Figure" Ambush whispered to Rush.  "You wanna know?" Rush started to explain, and showed the PICTURES  to Ambush (Yall in BIG doo doo). A big smirk started to creep up Ambush's face, Seek was basically fuming that they were talking about him, Figure was trying his best to calm him down, though he didn't understand. "You two still owe me an explanation' Rush said. "Bro wtf yall talking about" Eyes asked. "Shut up Eyes, please." Figure pleaded. "Did you guys fu-" "EYES SHUT THE FUCK UP" (oh shit figure doesnt swear hes dead💀). Eyes got the signal and immediately shut up. "Anyways, Jeff, when can WE fuck" Jack asked. Jeff just slid under the table. Figure for fun looked under the table, and felt something sharp, he saw something, He made a horrified face, but who knows what he was thinking " I told him not too-" Glitch said. "You're not the one to talk, you fucked him too" Jeff said, getting up. "Can we just have a normal breakfast?" GL asked. "Since when were we ever normal" Screech asked. "Yeah i had to endure Jack flirting with Jeff, And yall forgot minors are here, Please stop" Timothy said,                   "As if they care, it's a losing battle" Rush sighed. "Düd, i have to endure dupe, he's the worst.." El goblino said( hes a warrior). "AHEM- Anyways, we are going to be disscussing our tactics, and since SEEK is so cooperative, he can go first.(SHIT I WROTE 'Flirt'-) "Mother fucker" Seek breathed sa "What was that?" Halt asked. "Nothing, so i think, I can chase players, I'm super agile, i saw some empty hallways, maybe i can chase from there?" He asked. "How do you know that your aglie and where you'd get your idea?" He asked, on full seriousness. "Well last night i was chasing ONE of the entities, We'll not about wether i caught them, but yeah" He suggested, annoyed. "I guess.. You, Hide?" " I can try hiding in closets, kick them out when they stayed there too long?" He asked (based on past experience🥺). "Ok that would work, It'll also be easier for Rush and Ambush, Ok, So thats everyone?" Halt said. "I think," Figure said.  "Did you guys even eat? Why did I make this then?" GL asked sadly. "Sorry, GL, we'll eat" Screech said, giving sympathy for GL. After they finished eating, Seek refusing to eat, Even Figure couldn't make him eat, tbh, he was really concerned. "Seek, Just eat man." "No. If your my friend, you should be understanding me." He said flatly. "And friends also look put for each other, Now eat" Figure pointed somewhere near the food. Seek was silently laughing at how cute- NO HES MYFREAKING FRIEND, I GOTTA CHILL. Seek thought, panicking. "Sorry Figure, I appreaciate your concern, But YOU SHOULD ALSO KNOW THAT I DONT WANT TO EAT" Seek banaged the table and left, crying.

A/N: ANNDDD CLIFF HANGER WOOO i hope you liked this, cause this was really 'rushed'💀


love yall

until then


published may 30th 2023

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