Chapter 5: Charms Class

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There was a short 15 minute break period between their first and second classes of the day, the 5 students used this time to leisurely walk through the school to their next class. Natty was talking to River about the class, Charms, and telling him about the professor of the class, Professor Ronen. She told him about how he teaches his class, choosing to play games to learn their spells rather than do boring book work. River listened to her talk, while also trying to listen to the other three walking with them. The twins were talking to Ominis about the Quidditch tryouts coming up to find a new Seeker and 2 new chasers. Since Anne and Sebastian are already beaters they didn't need to try out again to keep their positions. River was listening in on both conversations, but Natty could hear the twins talking about the upcoming tryouts and she helped herself into their conversation.

"Prepared for Gryffindor to take the Quidditch Cup this year, Sallows?" Natty smirked at the twins who turned their attention to her.

"Yeah right," Sebastian said incredulously.

"You know Slytherin has won every year since we joined the team." Anne remarked, with a smile to the Gryffindor.

"Perhaps, but this year may be different. I'm planning on trying out for chaser this year." Natty giggled, but stopped when she saw Anne's smile drop.

"You weren't interested in playing last year, why do you want to try out this year?" Anne asked, she sounded..hurt? Maybe she doesn't want to go up against her friend? Anne slowed her walking pace a bit so she could walk next to Natty who just shrugged.

"It looks like fun, and watching you play last year may have inspired me to want to join the Gryffindor team." Natty was smiling, but she wasn't looking at Anne when she spoke. Anne's face flushed pink.

"You know if you get on the team then we'll have to go up against each other, right?" Anne asked, her voice was soft and uneasy.

"Well, we'll just have to make sure our rivalry in the air doesn't affect our friendship on the ground." Natty said with a soft smile to the Slytherin girl, who just sighed and looked down at her feet. "Besides, it's not a guarantee I'll get on the team, it's just tryouts." Natty shrugged then reached up and placed a comforting hand on Anne's shoulder.

"I suppose, but you're a really good flyer. They'd be daft not to let you on the team." She muttered, Natty chuckled and she wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. Anne wrapped her arm around the girl's waist to return her gesture. Sebastian, River, and Ominis just walked silently down the hall, pretending they didn't exist, while the girls talked, not wanting to disrupt their moment. The girls walked together, arm on shoulder, and waist, the whole way to their charm's class.

"Why don't you try out for Quidditch?" Sebastian asked River, smiling to the boy who returned his smile with a look of bewilderment. Ominis just scoffed at his friend's question.

"Do you not remember the conversation we had this morning?" River asked.

"Oh, right. No heights." Sebastian scratched the back of his head and Ominis shook his head and turned his sightless gaze to River.

"He's a bit slow sometimes, forgive him." Sebastian nudged Ominis in the ribs at his friend's teasing. Ominis just laughed, holding the back of his hand up to his mouth. He's pretty when he laughs, River thought to himself, feeling his cheeks warm up a bit. River chuckled and Sebastian threw his hands up in defeat when River joined the laughter.

The group made it to their class with five minutes to spare. Natty went to her usual seat by the door of the classroom, and Anne decided to sit with her. Sebastian and Ominis went to the other side of the room, the side facing the door and found their seats. River was unsure of who to sit with, but he felt like there was something going on between Anne and Natty so he decided to give them their space and joined Sebastian and Ominis on the far side of the room, he sat beside Sebastian on his right, while Ominis sat to the brunette's left. The 2 boys made idle chatter and River just listened to the conversation being held while students filed into the classroom. Once the last student found their seat and the bells rang to signal class was in session the Professor, dressed in head to toe purple robes exited his office from the top of the stairs in the classroom.

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